据悉,该工作室由 Crystal Dynamics 和动视老将 Darrell Gallagher 创立,并且从 R 星、索尼互娱圣迭戈、EA DICE 等众多 3A 工作室挖来了不少人才。微软尚未官宣 The Initiative 正在开展哪些工作,但 Phil Spencer 透露该工作室的主要任务是“对新旧事物展开新的演绎方式”,传闻称该工作室正在努力复兴 Dare 的《Pe...
A kinetic model of trp-cage folding from multiple biased molecular dynamics simulations. PLoS Comput. Biol. 5, e1000452 (2009). Article ADS MathSciNet PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements C.C. acknowledges the CINECA award under the ISCRA initiative, for ...
1 KHz, 800 nm) seeded by a Coherent Vitesse oscillator (50 fs, 80 MHz). 800 nm wavelength laser pulses were from the regenerative amplifier while 400 nm wavelength laser pulses were obtained with a BBO doubling crystal. 650-nm laser pulses were generated from...
I hope it is now evident that my critique in this essay is not aimed at wild nature itself or even at the initiative to preserve large areas of wilderness. Rather, I question the specific ways of thinking that arise from this intricate cultural construct known as wilderness. The issue lies...
Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Sections References Abstract Background Conclusions Data availability Notes Abbreviations References Acknowledgements Funding Auth...
Morphology, crystal structure, particle size, and optical properties of P25 after immersion in soil solution As the next step, the effect of soil solutions on the properties of P25 TiO2was investigated. Based on the XRD patterns in Fig.3, the crystal structure of P25 did not change signific...
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Root Mean Square Deviation Carbonyl Oxygen Neutral Endopeptidase Molecular Operating Environment Dummy AtomDownload PDF Sections Figures References Abstract Background Results and discussion Conclusions Methods References Acknowledgements ...
The authors would like to acknowledge startup funding from the Energy and Materials Initiative from the Florida State University. Computational resources are partially provided by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) program under grant numbers TG-DMR160044 and TG-MSS160017...
Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Subjects Electronic properties and materials Structure of solids and liquids Topological matterThis article is cited by Impact of annealing on structural and corrosion resistance properties of Ti20Zr20Hf20Be20Ni20 high-entropy metallic ...
In a crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin (PDB ID: 1U19), the C-terminus folds back to directly interact with H8 and the first intracellular loop55. In the structure of squid rhodopsin (PDB ID: 2Z73), the C-terminus is an α-helix and forms salt bridges with residues in H8 and ICL...