“The file specified with the MODELSIM environment variable is not writeable!” WTF!!!,网上搜索了一波没有现场参考解决方法,仔细研究了下,MODELSIM环境变量指向的是modelsim.ini这个文件,艹,突然想起modelsim.ini这个文件默认属性是只读属性,备份下该文件,然后把文件的只读属性去掉,搞定!!!
# Loading work.test(testbench)#1 # GetModuleFileName: The specified module could not be found. # # # GetModuleFileName: The specified module could not be found. # # On my machine, I get this error in both ModelSim and QuestaS...
I am trying to use the "Tools > tcl > Execute Macro" option in ModelSim to run a "testbench.do" script to run a simulation. However, I can't find a way to get the location of the script file in the code. I want to be able to refer...
The file and line number of a discrepancy is reported along with an indication of what the discrepancy is about. Dialyzer bases its analysis on the concept of success typings, which allows for sound warnings (no false positives). elvis— Erlang Style Reviewer. Primitive Erlang Security Tool (...
分享解决No input filespecified问题的方法 解决No input filespecified问题的方法是, 修改php.ini中的cgi.fix_pathinfo参数的值为1。 2018-02-09 08:41:27 IQ math使用报错 :DescriptionResourcePath Location Type#16008-D file "../IQmath.lib" specifies ISA ...
User-file specified through the -initfile switch. If -initfile is not specified, the program searches for xsim.ini in the current working directory. <Vivado_Install_Dir>/data/xsim/xsim.ini has standard as well as commonly used pre-compiled xsim libraries (UNISIMs, simprims, SecureIP, unif...
Invoking the Simulators l For RTL simulation, enter the following: verilog -y $XILINX/verilog/src/unisims design.stim design.v $XILINX/verilog/src/glbl.v The path specified with the -y switch points the simulator to the UniSim models and is only necessary if Xilinx primitives are instan- ...
Along with the netlist, the core also includes behavioral and timing simula- tion script files (.do) for Mentor Graphics® ModelSim™ and an ISE Project Navigator project file (.npl). From this point on, you can bring the core into the ISE Project Navigator environment for synthesis, ...
Time increment required is less than the minimum specified Abaqus/Standard Analysis exited with an error - Please see the message file for possible error messages if the file exists. 分享4赞 amd吧 塔斯马尼亚螯虾 Intel核显Iris Pro 5200国外评测,打的apu满地找牙,amd要小心了桌面APU也完全不是对手,...
The file and line number of a discrepancy is reported along with an indication of what the discrepancy is about. Dialyzer bases its analysis on the concept of success typings, which allows for sound warnings (no false positives). elvis— Erlang Style Reviewer. Primitive Erlang Security Tool (...