2 The influence of Puritanism on American literature(清教主义对美国文学的影响)(1) The idealism of Puritan had exerted a great influence on American writers.Overall, American literature, at least white American literature, is based on the myth of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. To a large...
TheInfluence ofPuritanism on AmericanLiterature 清教主义对美国文学的影响 Introduction toLiterature December9, 2013 Abstract The spread and permeation of Puritan is accompanied the whole course of the early immigrants’ cultivation and settlement inNorth America. As a set of tenets, Puritanism has lost...
The Influence of Puritanism on American Literature清教主义对美国文学的影响Introduction to LiteratureDecember 9, 2013AbstractThe spread and permeation of Puritan is accompanied the whole course of the early immigrants cultivation and settlement in North America. As a set of tenets, Puritanism has lost ...
2 The influence of Puritanism on American literature(清教主义对美国文学的影响) (1) The idealism of Puritan had exerted a great influence on American writers. Overall, American literature, at least white American literature, is based on the myth of the Garden of Eden in the Bible. To a larg...
The Influence of Puritanism on American Values
TheInfluenceofAmericanPuritanismonAmericanLiterature ItisacriticalcommonplacenowthatAmericanliteratureorAnglo-American literature—isbasedonamyth,thatis,theBiblicalmythoftheGardenofEden.This literatureisingoodmeasurealiteraryexpressionofthepiousidealismofthe AmericanPuritanbequest.ThePuritansdreamedoflivingunderaperfectorde...
The influence of Puritanism upon American literature (In terms ofNathaniel Hawthorneand his works) The influence of American Puritanism is pervasive in the literature of the nineteenth century. The uniquely American Puritan vision of the seventeenth century arose from the English Puritanism that ...
The Influence of Puritanism on the Shaping of Traditional American Valuesdoi:10.22161/IJELS.64.34Li GuanghuaAI Publications
1.Puritanism and the influence of Calvinism P4 1.1 Calvinism 1.1.1Origin 1.1.2Beliefs 1.1.3Itsinfluence 1.2 Puritanism P4 1.2.1Origin 1.2.2Beliefs 1.2.3 Puritans in America 2.Nathaniel HawthorneP6 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1Hisfamily 2.1.2Hischildhood 2.2Somements on him 3. Roles in the novel P7...