在linux上提示:底层由于接收到操作系统的信号而停止; 在windows上提示:the inferior stopped because it triggered an exception; 主要是因为内存使用出现错误。 昨天在delete 一个layout时出现了这样的错误,主要原因是使用了函数AddItem。 通过AddItem加入一个弹簧,delete的时候先是delete弹簧,再deletelayout,所以出现这样...
Qt 程序报错“the inferior stopped because it triggered an exception”,问题:原因:程序内部有内存越界访问操作。...
今天QtCreator调试时,写了一极其简单的程序,就是计算时间相减,调试时居然报错了: Exception Triggered - Qt-Creator The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception. Stopped in thread 0 by:Exception an at 0xxxxxxxxxxxxx code:0xcxxxxxxfd:stack-overflow,flags=0x0(first chance). 根据提示:应该是...
原因:程序内部有内存越界访问操作。分类: Qt 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 一杯清酒邀明月 粉丝- 980 关注- 0 +加关注 0 0 « 上一篇: Labview NI MAX 显示数据库损坏的解决办法 » 下一篇: Qt Error: dependent ‘.h‘ does not exist问题解决 posted on 2021-11-02 16:30 一杯...
But once posted the message to the message queue, when control reaches to the linem_nExecuteThread.join(); I am getting the below error: "The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception" read access violation I am suspecting that ...
staticMainWindow instance;// Guaranteed to be destroyed. // Instantiated on first use. returninstance; }析构过程有问题,换成下面这种时关闭窗口就没有上面的异常了staticMainWindow&getInstance(){// Guaranteed to be destroyed.// Instantiated on first use.if(instance==NULL){instance=newMainWindow;}ret...
《小径分岔的花园》 作者:[阿根廷]博尔赫斯 Jorge Luis Borges 分享33 lasertank吧 重生者George lasertank名家采访录 辛普森一家镇楼 分享17赞 qt吧 攻城狮Jamkey 请教各位 提示以下错误是什么原因The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception.我在一个按钮的槽函数中调用了我自定义的类 就会出现以下...
Celiac disease is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Diagnosis is based on evaluating specific autoantibodies and histopathologic findings of duodenal biopsy specimens. The only therapy for celiac disease is a gluten-free diet. Celiac disease can be ...
This triggered an automatic purge of the tower's outer wall pieces, with the falling fragments above the stratosphere burning up due to atmospheric heating, while those below would hit the Earth, threatening the lives of people living near the foot of the tower. Tieria noticing the falling ...
seekinggrowth-predicatedsolutions to the country’s various problems. Growth, it is assumed, can alone provide the resources to improve public services and ease hardships without further ramping up taxation, or running the risk of a full-blown currency crisis triggered by an excess of public ...