(1)报错信息和报错时调用堆栈 SignaI Received - Qt Creator The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the operating system. Signal name: SIGSEGV Signal meaning:Segmentation fault报错时调用堆栈停留在 void MyTableView::setModel() 函数的该行: 报错时调用堆栈停留在voidMyTableView::setModel(...
Qt 出现空指针错误:The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the Operating System 问题 程序运行的时候出现崩溃,并提示如下错误: 调试的时候运行到这一步出现错误 错误原因是出现了空指针,查看数据发现数组v[ ]是空的 解决办法 1.定义数组的时候定义空间大小, v.resize(); 2.对v[ ]进行赋值....
Signal received The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the Operating System. Signal name : SIGSEGV Signal meaning : Segmentation fault 正常这种情况应该是野指针的问题,可以找出对应的指针是什么原因导致的。 指针非空,但是调动 “->函数” 时会报错。
QT 运行崩溃:The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the Operating System 最近在研究QT自带的boxes例子,自己派生一个图形项,但是在运行生成该图形项时程序直接退出了~ Qt Creater调试代码,问题定位如下代码行: 执行1270行时弹出错误消息框: 于是上网查找资料,发现这是个很常见的错误,问题在于调用了...
infile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&p1),sizeof(stu));p1是类对象,被reinterpret_cast后,读入数据口,整个类对象的内存空间都被冲毁了。 类的对象,在内存空间中的布局包括成员及成员函数的指针(即函数名称所在的地址),一旦被当作普通指针进行了数据拷贝(上面的read),那么成员函数的地址也被...
最经典的错误 最可能的原因是:内存越界,或者指针为空
Qt 程序报错“the inferior stopped because it triggered an exception”,问题:原因:程序内部有内存越界访问操作。...
{ staticMainWindow instance;// Guaranteed to be destroyed. // Instantiated on first use. returninstance; }析构过程有问题,换成下面这种时关闭窗口就没有上面的异常了staticMainWindow&getInstance(){// Guaranteed to be destroyed.// Instantiated on first use.if(instance==NULL){instance=newMainWindow;...
"The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception" read access violation I am suspecting that The current thread (m_nExecuteThread) is processing the message from the message queue and the same thread attempted to join that causes the deadlock. Could someone please help me ho...
The inferior stopped because it triggered an exception. Stopped in thread 0 by:Exception an at 0xxxxxxxxxxxxx code:0xcxxxxxxfd:stack-overflow,flags=0x0(first chance). 根据提示:应该是堆栈溢出了 一、错误原因 既然是堆栈溢出,就应该是指针非法,可我的程序里面没有指针鸭?仔细一看原来是我定义的数组太...