So I didn’t have such a good time during my PhD, and did not find a job afterwards – which would have been more of the same (which held little attraction – and I wasn’t in a position to find an independent fellowship, which was about the only kind of position I was particularly...
From this time (1921) on the German Communist Party became little more than a puppet of Moscow. This was made easier by the split in the Independent Social-Democrats. But there were still leaders at the head of the German Communist Party who were inspired by the ideas that Rosa Luxemburg ...
Although Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Sèvres impotently called for an independent Armenian state, in an area where there were few Armenians left, soon there would be almost none, after Mustafa Kemal pushed the Armenian Republic back east of the Araks (Aras) River in 1920. This left ...
According to the weak equivalence principle, “All test particles in a given gravitational field will undergo the same acceleration, independent of their properties, including their rest mass”. The equation of motion in this modified theory is based on those features of the particle that are ...
In each case, the model included the logarithm of the mortality rate as the dependent variable and the year as the independent variable. Mortality rates from 1918 through 1922 were removed from the data so that trends could be calculated without being influenced by the 1918 influenza pandemic. ...
This map shows Independence Day around the world. An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation's assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely
In the nineteenth century the advancement of science was largely due to an organized, descriptive effort associated with a number of important discoveries. It rested on a freeing of the intellect in a way that permitted scientific empiricism; it was aide
Over the years, John has taken on many big jobs. He developed a greenhouse — like facility that treated sewage (污水) from 1,600 homes in South Burlington. He also designed an eco-machine to clean canal water in...
at worst unlawful; and to affirm the vision of our predecessors in their first editorial: to see ‘the mind of man exhibiting powers of its own, and at the same time helping to carry on the best interests of human nature’” (The Liberal [Independent Preview Edition] IV April/May 2005:...
to the wetlands of the Danube delta and the megadams of the Indian subcontinent and American West.” This desire to master nature has remained a central tenet of coloniality, despite the formal end of empire. In the mid mid-20thcentury, many newly independent states in the global South chose...