The Incredibles: Directed by Brad Bird. With Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee. While trying to lead a quiet suburban life, a family of undercover superheroes are forced into action to save the world.
Jack Jack Lucius/Frozone Buddy/Syndrome Mirage Edna Tony Rick Underminer Bomb Voyage Gilbert Kari Winston Evelyn Screenslaver Ambassador Karen/Voyd How to start editing We need YOU to help us further our goal to become a substantial and prominent database. If you need ...
5. 巴小杰 Jack Parr小杰是超能先生刚出生不久的小儿子, 大家开始都以为他没有超能力, 但其实呢? 影片最后给了我们一个非常有趣和惊喜的答案。其他人物1.超劲先生 Syndrome超劲先生是影片中最大的反派, 这个从小狂热崇拜超人的小子长大以后却成为超人们最大的敌人, 妄想消灭所有超人, 独霸世界, 当然最后的结局...
The Incredibles: Directed by Brad Bird. With Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee. While trying to lead a quiet suburban life, a family of undercover superheroes are forced into action to save the world.
Violet Parr: We act normal Mom, but I want to be normal. The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet trained! 3 Syndrome: You sir truly are Mr. Incredible. I mean, I was right to idolize you. I knew you were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the ...
Buddy Pine / Syndrome (voice) Almost Famous (2000) Dominique Louis Bomb Voyage (voice) Pacific Rim (2013) Teddy Newton Newsreel Narrator (voice) Toy Story 3 (2010) Jean Sincere Mrs. Hogenson (voice) Roxanne (1987) Eli Fucile Jack-Jack Parr (voice) Incredibles 2 (2018) Maeve...
5. 巴小杰 Jack Parr 小杰是超能先生刚出生不久的小儿子, 大家开始都以为他没有超能力, 但其实呢? 影片最后给了我们一个非常有趣和惊喜的答案。其他人物 1.超劲先生 Syndrome 超劲先生是影片中最大的反派, 这个从小狂热崇拜超人的小子长大以后却成为超人们最大的敌人, 妄想消灭所有超人, 独霸...
Bob and Helen also have a new infant son, Jack-Jack, who proves to have superpowers of his own. Other major characters include the supervillain Syndrome (voiced by Jason Lee), who as a boy tried to become Mr. Incredible’s sidekick and as an adult tries to destroy all superheroes out...
‘cartoon’ villains in that these villains truly do intend to kill the Incredibles, children and adults alike, something we haven’t really seen in many children’s films. Its this attitude, that children deserve to know the truth, that sets this film above many in this category because it...
The Incredibles is an 2004 American computer-animated comedy superhero film about a family of superheroes who are forced to hide their powers after they arouse public concern. It is Pixar's sixth animated feature film. It was written and directed by Brad