Windows PowerShell 2.0 Windows Server 2008 Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Article 08/31/2016 Tip: Learn Best Practices for Optimizing the Virtual Memory Configuration In a default installation, Windows creates the page file in the root folder on the same...
(ASEC) said in a new report published today. ShellBot, also known by the name PerlBot, is known to breach servers that have weak SSH credentials by means of a dictionary attack , with the malware used as a conduit to stage DDoS attacks and deliver cryptocurrency miners . Developed in ...
of each history file pair is determined by whether it is a major or minor revision. The number of a major version is increased by one whenever a change is written from the in-memory metabase. The number of a minor version is increased by one whenever the edit-while-running feature is ...
Use new Powercfg Options to Find and Fix Energy-Related Problems Create a Striped Volume in Windows Manage BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) with Windows PowerShell Use Advanced Tools for Increased Control over Windows Firewall
Joining a Mesh The way a node joins a mesh depends on the mesh technology used, but generally speaking, a prospective node must use the mesh name to resolve the physical addresses of one or more nodes already in the mesh. If you assume a partially connected mesh, ...
By giving the CPU the freedom to switch between the two execution streams, more of the CPU's execution slots can be used. When one instruction stream is stalled on access to the main memory or needs an execution slot that is in use, the CPU can execute instructions from the second instru...
34. In recent years, Alter Project focuses on the buildings made of stone 35. Grass used to reduce pollution in skyscrapers buildings. 36. ...are affected by the increased rainfall 37. Humidity affects the constrictions made of wood
Companies use models for planning, forecasting, and making important decisions. Many of the models in use before the pandemic are now out of whack. A company needs to identify the decision-support systems it can no longer rely on and build a data set ...
Whenever agents are signed in to the application, they have a presence indicator that communicates their current status. Agent presence is an important part of the omnichannel solution because the agent's current presence is used to determine if a work item can be routed to them. For example,...