If you’re lucky, you’ll get a vague comment like “needs more depth.” Your lecturers will expect you to already be self-sufficient, which is hilarious because you just spent three years relying on Quizlet and Google Scholar. 4.The Workload Goes from ‘Manageable’ to ‘What Have I ...
Roads were sealed off because of a major incident. acceptable adj. allowable or satisfactorysyn. permissible acclaim n. enthusiastic approval; applausesyn. praise ** acclaim v. to praise someone or something publicly: His work was acclaimed by art critics. n. praise for a person or their ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含In an effort to reduce the number of summonses returned by Criminal Court due to errors, a summonsing officer is directed to do certain things once a summons has been served and the violator has been released. According to PG 209-0