I don’t have that many notes from this session, and I don’t see any slides attached on the NCTM website. One note says “Limiting civics to just ‘social justice math’ is restricting. Dialogic math helps.” I think the idea here is similar to what I’ve used before, Ben Blum-Sm...
There are many standalone tools, including Excel, which can perform a t-test. But if you want to integrate t-test functionality directly into a software system, using standalone tools can be awkward or impossible, and may involve copyright or other legal issues. This article explains how to ...
(X, A, Y) whose essential range is \({\mathcal {X}}\times \{0,1\}^2\) and such that the accuracy \(\text {acc}({\hat{Q}})\) of any predictor \({\hat{Q}}\in {\mathcal {Q}}\) that satisfies equal opportunity is at most the trivial accuracy \(\tau \in [0,1)\)...
Therefore, it has been claimed that it is in fact impossible to measure overall complexity of a language24. Notwithstanding this difficulty, a test of the equi-complexity hypothesis is important both with respect to practical aspects of natural language processing25 and from a theoretical point of...
The real problem with this book, however, is that in trying to cater for all levels of mathematical competence in one work the editors have set themselves an impossible task. There is a limit to the speed with which mathematics can be assimilated. Most of us can learn a new mathematical ...
This represents the length of the shortest program that prints the stringxand then halts. Yet, as implied by Gödel’s incompleteness theorem or Turing’s halting theorem, we cannot compute the Kolmogorov complexity of an arbitrary string, given that it is impossible to test all possible algori...
These ten brutally difficult math problems once seemed impossible until mathematicians eventually solved them—even if it took them years, decades, or centuries.
2568.Minimum-Impossible-OR (H-) 2571.Minimum-Operations-to-Reduce-an-Integer-to-0 (H-) 2573.Find-the-String-with-LCP (H-) 2576.Find-the-Maximum-Number-of-Marked-Indices (H-) 2712.Minimum-Cost-to-Make-All-Characters-Equal (H-) 2732.Find-a-Good-Subset-of-the-Matrix (H) 2749.Mini...
We manipulated the perception of the benefactors' intentions by providing additional information about whether the benefactor knew the participant could (i.e., Repayment possible condition), or could not (i.e., Repayment impossible condition) reciprocate after receiving help. In fact, participants ...
where\({{{\mathcal{B}}}=\left(2{\lambda }^{b}-1\right)E/h\). Equation (14) can be solved exactly. One can apply any erosion rateEin the above equations. As in Pudasaini and Fischer27, we consider the drift factorλmthat is associated with the velocity of the particle in the...