Figures 15 and 16 demonstrate a complex temporal variation of Fh versus Fv as well as OTM versus Fv (blue color in the graphs), which is different for each wave height, making it very challenging (if not impossible) to predict this transient behavior via simplified approaches. Alternatively, ...
personal pronoun paradigm fulfilling what has often been described as a negative copular function, is also in evidence in dialects of the Egypto-Sudanic area; however, a paucity of coverage in descriptive sources renders Languages 2021, 6, 123 16 of 30 a comprehensive evaluation here impossible....
meet and attraction only because of their line of work, he doesn't have a lot of time to devote to the meet and greet of dating and he was instantly attracted to her and we've see how long she was in surgery, so to try to have a love life in that chaos is sometimes impossible....
In the situation of the jury- box I perceive a very great improvement:— formerly, the jury in the Cri- minal court were so oppressed by people leaning- over them, that it was impossible for them to have those deliberations which are so essential to the proper administration of justice; ...
Discontent doth disjoint the soul; and it is impossible now that a Christian should go so steadily and cheerfully in God’s service. O how lame is his devotion! The discontented person gives God but a half-duty, and his religion is nothing but bodily exercise, it wants a soul to animate...
West Coast poet bill bissett finds himself a, the centre of a censorship bade in which the autonomy of the Canada Council is at issue. A profile by Eleanor Wochtel Slill lhe Setne Old Story? On the 50th anniversary of Morley Callaghan's summer in Paris. Boyd Neil manages to track ...
measuring a clear distinction between where the glass ends and where jamming begins, based on observables such as the time-dependent particle mean square displacement37 (or in analogy, the frequency-dependent shear modulus or the yield stress7,19), becomes very dif- ficult or even impossible. ...
The requirement for force, torque and pressure transducers to be made in-house is usually the result of very special measurement problems or installation circum- stances which make it appear to be difficult or maybe impossible to utilize standard commercially available transducers: In many cases ...
They concluded that it seems impossible to attain explicit inferences on a global level, currently due to the complex character of ecological processes and the necessarily incomplete and disparate data coverage of investigated case studies. Analyzing assembled observation data with a widely different ...
Firstly, complete surgical resection of brain cancers in many cases is nearly impossible due to their anatomical location and infiltrative nature. Secondly, the use of radiotherapy is often restricted, due to its potential deleterious effect on surrounding normal brain tissue. Thirdly, aggressive brain...