The Importance Of Self-Awareness In Mental Health NursingAt the end of the previous section, we suggested that the nurse and anyone else connected with a client with mental health problems have a duty to attempt to understand her, and to be aware of their own attitudes to her condition....
The mother is the principal care-giving partner of the infant and an important source for the of self-awareness and self-esteem. The importance of the early relational experiences of the nursing infant with its mother has been widely emphasized by the psychoanalytical approach. Through this special...
The purpose of this study was to clarify the importance of public health nurses (PHNs) in Japan assigned to the targets and methods of public health nursing activities. Subjects were PHNs who had 10years or more of work experience. A cross-sectional written survey was used to collect data ...
Metacognitive awareness in nursing students rises with age and year level. Females exhibit more potent self-directed learning abilities than males. Educational environment, motivation, and emotional intelligence indirectly influence metacognitive awareness via self-directed learning ability. This finding has en...
Medication errors: the importance of safe dispensing British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 67 (67) (2009), pp. 678-680, 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03428.x Google Scholar Cleary-Holdforth and Leufer, 2013 J. Cleary-Holdforth, T. Leufer The strategic role of education in the prevention of...
student nurses for occupational exposure hazard was enhanced,which was conducive to the standard operation and safety occupation of student nurses.Conclusion:Strengthening awareness of student nurses for the importance of occupational exposure prevention was very important to the occupational safety in the ...
Elderly recipients of home nursing services: pain, disability and functional competence Despite increasing evidence that pain is a problem with which many in their later years must contend, little is known about the experience of community-dwe......
Thus, I practiced the “Pause and Recenter” technique described in the blog. At the first moment of awareness that I was thinking about her or her actions, I would change my posture by sitting up straight and looking upward, breathe lower and slower, and then, in my mind’s eye, send...
China has great empathy with victims all over the world, and has done all it can to provide humanitarian aid in support of the international community’s endeavors to stem the pandemic. 当前,疫情在全球持续蔓延。中国为被病毒夺去生命和在抗击疫情中牺牲的人们深感痛惜,向争分夺秒抢救生命、遏制疫情...
Healthcare personnel working in nursing homes (NH) are under strong pressure to provide good care to the residents [1, 2]. It is difficult to recruit and retain qualified workers [3, 4]. The focus on professional development and attitudes is therefore of great importance for NHs to appear ...