真是 Algy 的哥哥.Lady Bracknell 说,作为长子,Jack 的圣名自然跟从父亲.经过翻查后,证实了他父亲恰巧地又取了一个 Ernest 的圣名.最后,众人各自和自己的伴侣拥抱.剧终前,Jack 说他首次明白到为人认真的重要性.(I've now realised for the first time in my life the Vital Importance of Being Earnest) ...
The themes include uncertain parentage, the fallen woman, puns, wordplay, dark secrets, mistaken identities, and a biting critique of the social standards and morality of the Victorian era. The Importance of Being Earnest Summary Act I, Part 1 The protagonist of the play is Jack Worthing. ...
The Importance of Being Earnest Summary The play begins in the flat of wealthy Algernon Moncrieff (Algy) in London's fashionable West End. Algernon's aunt (Lady Bracknell) and her daughter (Gwendolen Fairfax) are coming for a visit, but Mr. Jack Worthing (a friend of Algy's) arrives firs...
In the end of the play, the happy couples embrace and Jack says,“I've now realized for the first time in my life the Vital Importance of Being Earnest.” Different Views of Marriage in the Play Marriage is one of the most important themes in the Importance of Being Earnest, but ...
Explore Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. Review a summary of the play, find its analysis and themes, and examine the work as a social...
Oscar Wilde created his final and most lasting play, comic masterpieces of all time, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, in 1895. Considered one of the greatest THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST is a farce, playing with love, religion, and truth as it tells the tale of two men. Jack Worthing...
'The Importance of Being Earnest' is one of Oscar Wilde's most famous works. Learn all about the play's protagonist, Jack Worthing, and review a...
[英语学习]the importance of being earnest 奥斯卡 王尔德的戏剧剧本 热度: 以舞台呈现为目的王尔德戏剧The Importance of Being Earnest两个中译本的比较 热度: THE+IMPORTANCE+OF+BEING+EARNEST 奥斯卡 王尔德的戏剧剧本,THE+IMPORTANCE+OF+BEING+EARNEST 奥斯卡 王尔德的戏剧剧本,奥斯卡,王尔德,THE,戏剧,OF,BEING,EAR...
the importance of being earnest” The Importance of Being Earnest is a play written by Oscar Wilde. It is a comedy of manners and examines the importance of being true to oneself and not succumbing to social pressures. The play explores themes such as love, relationships, and the role of ...