1 ◇本篇由《福爾摩斯探案》原作小說衍生,與任何影視改編作品皆無關聯◇ TheImportanceofBeingEarnest OscarWilde × SherlockHolmes × JohnWatson 謹以這篇衍生小說向奧斯卡.王爾德致敬向所有關心婚姻平權議題的勇者們致敬向所有在2013.11.30感到受傷的人們致歉 ◎撰文:絳竹(JLLDRP@gmail)◎授權狀態:(姓名**-非商業...
TheImportanceofBeingEarnest byOscarWilde Allnewmaterial©2009EnotesInc.oritsLicensors.AllRightsReserved. Noportionmaybereproducedwithoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Forcompletecopyrightinformationpleaseseetheonlineversionofthistextat http://.enotes/importance-being-text TableofContents Notes...1 ReadingPo...
TheImportanceofBeingErnest真诚的重要性.pdf,The Importance of Being Ernest 真诚的重要性 英文学习资料 选自《王尔德精选集》北京燕山出版社 P368-P414 译文部分所有名字地名均置换成英文原文 Act I 第一幕 SCENE Morning-room in Algernons flat in Half-Moon Street. T
The Importance of Being Earnest A edy for Serious People FIRST ACT SCENE Morning-room in Algernon's flat in Half-Moon Street. The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. The sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room.
The Importance of Being Earnest 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ Very entertaining. Wilde's use of witty epigrams and repartee is superb. While with an unserious intent, he satires the hypocrisy of Victorian English aristocracy. A very enjoyable read. 评分☆☆☆ 很难想像王尔德严守...
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The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要性.pptx,3/25/14 Bellwork: On page 94 of your INB, write about 3-5 sentences about the following question - What does it mean to “Do the right thing?”Agenda:BellworkNotes on Earnest page 95 REMINDERS – Journals
The Importance ofBeing Earnest《认真的重要》 下载积分:1000 内容提示: The Importance of Being EarnestA Trivial Comedy for Serious People by Oscar WildeTHE PERSONS IN THE PLAYJohn Worthing, J. P.Algernon MoncrieffRev. Canon Chasuble, D. D.Merriman, ButlerLane, ManservantLady BracknellHon. ...
陆军名单是英国陆军将军的名单。它象征着名字和身份,因为杰克通过这个来源发现了他的真名和出身。 【参考资料】Oscar Wilde(奥斯卡·王尔德)《The Importance of Being Earnest》《认真的重要性》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End -———
FIRST ACT 阿尔杰农和莱恩的对话 阿尔杰农询问莱恩关于下午茶的准备情况 阿尔杰农问莱恩是否有给布拉克内尔夫人切的黄瓜三明治。 莱恩回答说已经准备好了,并把三明治放在托盘上。 阿尔杰农对莱恩关于婚姻的看法表示不满 阿尔杰农认为莱恩对婚姻的看法有些松懈。 阿尔杰农认