impala lily- South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall; popular as an ornamental in tropics Adenium multiflorum,Adenium obesum,desert rose,kudu lily,mock azalia Adenium,genus Adenium- one species: succulent shrub or tree of ...
Pays O, Ekori A and Fritz H 2014 On the advantages of mixed- species groups: impalas adjust their vigilance when associated with larger prey herbivores Ethology 120 1207-16Pays, O., Ekori, A. & Fritz, H. 2014: On the advantages of mixed-species groups: Impalas adjust their ...
1.(Animals) bovid mammals of the tribeBovini(bovines), esp those of the genusBos 2.(Animals) Also called:domestic cattleany domesticated bovine mammals, esp those of the speciesBos taurus(domestic ox) [C13: from Old Northern Frenchcatel,Old Frenchchatelchattel] ...
A total of 329,261 sites were polymorphic (approximately 1.1%), a proportion that was in line with our previous study21. Pairwise identities showed that, on average, each isolate of A. fumigatus in this dataset differed from all others by 11,828 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genoty...
The history of animal species is filled with melancholy examples of failures toadapt to new circumstances.动物进化史上,许多悲惨的例子表明:物竞天择,适者生存。To be a light speckled moth was wholly strategic before the Industrial Revolution - and a ticket to evolutionary disaster thereafter.例如,在...
The critically endangered Saiga antelope is a species of particular interest because of its vulnerability to mass mortality events. Together with anthropogenic factors, such as poaching and agricultural use, and linear infrastructure expansion, mass mortality events in Saiga can lead to the extinction of...
A harrowing expedition through one of the world's great delta regions reveals the threats it faces––and the wealth of life it sustains.
The specifics of meat production from free-ranging animals include the killing of animals in the wild with firearms. This type of uncontrolled killing sometimes leads to the phenomenon that the game does not die immediately but after a certain time from the shot to death, which may ultimately ...
The African forest elephant, the smallest of the three species, is mainly located in rainforests with abundant water vapor in central and western Africa, with a population of about 24,110. The habitat characteristics of this species are similar to those of the Asian elephant. Both African ...
Acocanthera oppositifolia,Acocanthera venenata,bushman's poison,ordeal tree- evergreen shrub or tree of South Africa Adenium multiflorum,Adenium obesum,desert rose,impala lily,kudu lily,mock azalia- South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after t...