impact动— 冲击动 · 对...产生影响动 women名— 女名 · 妇女名 · 女性名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) One delegation emphasizedthe impact of womenpeacekeeping officers in the context of Liberia, where the presence of an ...
The impact of women's educational and economic resources on fertility. Spanish birth cohorts 1901-1950. In: A. Janssens ed. Were women present at the demographic transition? Bern: Perter Lang.Baizan, P.; E. Camps (2006): "The impact of women's educational and economic resources on ...
Decade, spoke on the impact of women’s empowerment through education and Irina Bokova, [...] 联合国扫盲十 年荣誉大使劳拉·布什谈到通过教育 赋 予 妇 女权 能 的 影 响, 联 合国 教科文组织总 干事伊琳娜·博科娃肯定了扫盲对于赋予妇女权能、改善孕产妇保健和消除儿童 ...
Women architects in South Asia played a pivotal role in shaping the post-colonial identity and design language of their native countries.
中性化无性别歧视趋势 The WomenAmerican English is a sexist language but the Women's liberation Movement is making it less sexist or more neutralized concerning gender-a new trend in the development of American English. This paper analyzes this non-sexist trend as seen in four major areas of ...
2022, Review of Income and Wealth The Impact of Microcredit Loans on School Enrolment in Bangladesh 2020, Journal of Development Studies “Take My Mother-in-law…Please!”: A Study of the Impact of Women’s Bargaining Power on the Co-residence Decision in China 2015, Journal of Family and ...
Q1: What factors influence women groundnut farmers to participate in VSLA programmes? Q2: What is the impact of participation in VSLA programmes on the productivity and income of women groundnut farmers and Q3: What are the challenges to successful operation of VSLA programmes? The study makes ...
In this article, I look at the views of a female researcher with respect to the literature about women's health research and the impact of women researchers on the information exchange between patient and physician, provider competence, and continuity of care. These factors all affect the ...
Agricultural development programs are increasingly aiming to boost women's engagement in agricultural extension in countries and regions where women are marginalized and their access to extension is constrained by socio-cultural and institutional barriers. Studies examining the impact of such programs on wo...
Abstract This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of women’s education and employment on their empowerment. Secondary data of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012–2013 has been used for Binary Logistic regression analysis. Women’s participation in decision making has been used as...