Assessing the impact of Brexit involves disentangling the extensive and complex web of rules and relations that developed over decades of EU membership and integration, as well as analysing the effects on businesses, citizens, and the state. For scholars, the exercise is all the more challenging ...
The decision to leave the EU has affected consumers in different ways, but it’s apparent that ongoing uncertainty is having a definite impact on purchasing trends and behaviours. From a supplier’s perspective, there is little doubt amongst retailers, producers and farmers that Brexit will result...
Following Brexit, EU competition law continued to apply in the United Kingdom until 31 December 2020 as part of an agreed Transition Period. In this LawFlash, we summarise how the end of the Transition Period is likely to impact the enforcement of competition law in the United Kingdom going...
At the same time, the agreement arguably offers room for further development of the customs cooperation for both sides. It remains to be seen whether processes will become simpler with fewer disruptions in the future. For more information about Brexit and the impact it could have on your b...
BREXIT was a major shock to the global financial market and the global economy. The full impact is still to unfold, as the exiting procedure could be complicated and could take multi-year negotiations.
ESMA is promoting a common understanding of the substance requirements for UCITS ManCos and AIFMs. It has also called for the disparate third country regimes in EU legislation to move to a common approach. Brexit adds political momentum to both these debates. ...
IFF CEO: Impact of Brexit and China tariffs International Flavors & Fragrances CEO Andreas Fibig told CNBC Monday that although his company has a lot of international business, they have been "lucky enough" to avoid business blows related to Brexit and China tariffs. "So we have planned for...
The Confederation of British Industry said the government report shows that failing to secure a deal is not an option. “It surely puts to bed some of the more far-fetched ideas that a hard landing Brexit will not seriously hurt the economy,” said Rain Newton-Smith, the lobby group’s...
BrexitEuropeeconomic modelingpolicy modelingThis research attempts to evaluate the impact of Brexit on the Asian markets. This research divided into two large markets: The international trade markets (expRuiz Estrada, Mario ArturoPark, Donghyun
Besides the politic and the economic perspective, Brexit results in chaos regarding intellectual property rights, especially unitary rights. The future of theseBasire, YannJean-Christophe, RodaKiesel Le Cosquer, GuylèneFavreau , AmélieEdouard, Treppoz...