PrestonB.RichSashaD.AdamsRich, Preston B., and Sasha D. Adams. "Health-Care Economics and the Impact of Aging on Rising Health- Care Costs." Geriatric Trauma and Critical Care. Springer New York, 2014. 75-81.
medicaltechnologiesandanageingpopulationalongwiththepossibility oftreatingsickerpatients.However,therehasbeensurprisinglylittlestudyofthe efficiencychangesmadeintheorganisationofhealthcaredelivery.Risingcostsmay beduetoincreasinginefficiencyratherthantechnologicalimprovements. Onecontroversialissueinhealthpoliticshasbeentheroleof...
Consumer prices have rarely risen faster than healthcare inflation, but that’s the situation today. The impact of inflation on the broader economy has driven up input costs in healthcare significantly. Moreover, the likelihood of continued labor shortages in health...
the health care consumer has no relationship to the ultimate cost of his or her choices. The consumer ends up voting not with his or her pocketbook, but simply for high-quality, effective care. “Third-party payments always mean third-party ...
In response to rising healthcare costs and to regulate provider behaviors, China developed a new case-based patient classification payment system in the context of the rapid development of informatization and the accumulation of big data in hospitals, which is called Diagnosis-Intervention Packet (DIP...
Healthcare is often very expensive, especially for Americans. There are many factors that contribute to the high cost of healthcare in the country including wasteful systems, rising drug costs, medical professional salaries, profit-driven healthcare centers, types of medical practices, and health-rel...
Healthcare is often very expensive, especially for Americans. There are many factors that contribute to the high cost of healthcare in the country including wasteful systems, rising drug costs, medical professional salaries, profit-driven healthcare centers, types of medical practices, and health-rel...
However, while the overall impact of lost revenue from data breaches is significant for the healthcare industry as a whole, for some companies, a data breach can be terminal. Even aside from these long-term costs, data breaches are devastating for healthcare organizations that rely on secure...
B. Contos Vascular centers of excellence — a tactical approach The Advisory Board Company, Washington (DC) (2007) Google Scholar 2 P.R. Orszag, P. Ellis Addressing rising health care costs–a view from the Congressional Budget Office N Engl J Med, 357 (2007), pp. 1885-1887 View in Sc...
The concepts of health promotion, self-care and community participation emerged during 1970s, primarily out of concerns about the limitation of professional health system. Since then there have been rapid growth in these areas in the developed world, and