The impact of imperialism on Britain from the mid-nineteenth century. Harlow: Pearson Longman. Google Scholar White, C. (2003). Historicizing educational disparity: colonial policy and Fijian educational attainment. History of Education, 32(4), 345–365. Article Google Scholar Whitehead, C. (...
Is South Africa a €sub/imperialist€ state, a leader of the Global South, or a victim of imperial power from the North? This essay unpacks the debate surrounding South Africa€s role in the €new scramble for Africa€ by critically contrasting competing theoretical conceptions against historical...
The Impact of Imperialism on Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century(London: Pearson Longman, 2005), p. 212. Google Scholar Andrew Cohen, ‘“Voice and Vision” — The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland’s Public Relations Campaign in Britain: 1960–1963,’Historia Google Scholar For a disc...
into an aggressiveimperialism, as the Empire shifted its priorities from an orthodoxy of iconoclasm to one of icon veneration, from the militarised rural world of inner Anatolia to the towns and trade of the Mediterranean coastlands, from defending the eastern frontier of Christendom against...
Malaysia's South Indian 'Coolies': Legacies of Imperialism, Colonial Capitalism and Racism This chapter takes on from Shaharil Talib's work to discuss the impact of ideological underpinnings of imperialism, colonial capitalism and racism on South Indian 'coolies' who were recruited through a 'new...
s first impressions of the European civilization overseas. Gunboats formed the backbone of Imperialism, as Imperialists broke into the continent with buckshot and dynamite on board. Befalling with flash and impact, the Europeans appeared to the natives as divine existence, like Kurtz, who “came ...
The role of the imperialist state as bastion of the capitalist system and implement of international reaction has grown tremendously under the conditions of the general crisis of capitalism. This state assimilates the new features of imperialism that have arisen under the impact of imperialism's inhe...
for the world revolution of proletarians , we need the youth ' s power. 但是为了世界无产者的革命,年轻的力量是必需的。 6. the powerful impact of the storm of the world revolution on imperialism 世界革命风暴对帝国主义的强大冲击 7. The Role Of My Family In ...
How did New Imperialism affect Africa? How did imperialism contribute to WW1? What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on new imperialism? What were the positives and negatives of imperialism in Vietnam? What were the pros and cons of American Imperialism? What effect did the Treaty of ...
Part three looks at various countries in turn - India, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East and finally part four looks at the impact of imperial history in terms of contemporary global politics. This collection is the perfect companion for any reader interested in empires and global ...