The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed our private and public life and also the structure of our society with a speed and profoundness unthinkable even 50 years ago. Within the technological sector we observe a strong positive feedback between several technological innovations ...
digital transformation in the oil and gas industry is estimated to have the potential to save companies, customers, and society $1.6 trillion (World Economic Forum
and adopts a causal random forest model to test the heterogeneity of the impact of internet usage on social status discordance. The results reveal a clear inconsistency between objective and subjective social status among Chinese residents. In addition, increasing internet...
nation.Infact,Informationandcommunicationtechnologies(ICTs)areamajorfactorinshapingthenewglobal economyandproducingrapidchangesinsociety.ICTpermeatesthebusinessenvironment,itunderpinsthe successofmoderncorporations,anditprovidesgovernmentswithanefficientinfrastructure.Atthesametime, ICTaddsvaluetotheprocessesoflearning,andin...
The impact and application of ICT have been observed in almost all walks of life including science, arts, business, health, management, engineering, sports, and education. ICT in education is being used extensively for student learning, creativity, interaction, and knowledge sharing and as a ...
ICThas,overthelast20yearsespecially,hadaprofoundimpactonthewaycitizensof theworldliveanddo.Ithasdoneawaywithtypists,telegraphoperators,andmanyother traditionaljobs.Itisevenstartingtoeliminatethepostman’sjob.Onecanhardlyimagine aworldwithoutacellphone,televisionortheInternet.Thereistoday,inthemodern ...
ICT will have both centralising and decentralising effects, it will influence production and services, location of offices and housing, foster ework, have impact on traffic etc. It is still difficult to perceive how these new technologies will affect spatial structures. It is definite that ...
The factor-based structure enabled a holistic view of ICT innovation in universities across three key areas: Teaching model (face-to-face/distance), area of study, and generic competencies. The outcomes could be used as means to forecast, explain, and improve the integration of these digital ...
The results of these viewpoints provide a solid theoretical foundation and ideas for subsequent research, but it is obvious that the current research findings have not yet covered the impact of enterprise digitalization on resource mismatch in enterprise. Modern economic theory holds that the essence ...
THE BENEFIT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT) AND BROADCASTING ON YOUTUBE FOR IMPROVING ATTITUDE TO ORGAN DONATION IN AN INSTITUTIONAL EDU... The study is an investigation into the impact of New Media on television broadcasting a case study of National Congolese Radio Television, ...