Clinical psychologist and brain researcher Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor contends that grief is a form of learning and the lessons we glean from our grief can help us rewire the brain after a loss. Research shows that there areepigeneticchanges that take place in the brain when we bond, and...
19. (often foll by: of) to cause (a person) to give up (a habit): this cure will break you of smoking. 20. (tr) to weaken the impact or force of: this net will break his fall. 21. (tr) to decipher: to break a code. 22. (tr) to lose the order of: to break rank...
Grief can have serious physical consequences that impact the cardiovascular, immune, and digestive systems. During periods of grief, changes in diet and unhealthy choices can adversely impact the body. Grieving is a dynamic process rather than a static state of being. Source: LaylaBird/iStock Gr...
The present study examined the factor structure of the Hungarian version of the Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) and analyzed its association with socio-demographics, insight, internalized stigma, and the experience of loss and grief as a result of the mental illness diagnosis, using ...
Paul boldly declares that it is the very things we perceive as weak that have the potential to cultivate strength and truth within us and to others. It is my sincere hope that, through its ministry, will impact lives by embracing this profound truth. ...
The fact that we do not freely talk about some realities of life does not mean that we are not confronted by them. This site focuses on the realities of life and the impact of the words of God on people's life; faith, marriages, hope, health, etc. Someti
2. fail, collapse, fall through, be unsuccessful, come unstuck, run aground, come to grief, come a cropper (informal), turn out badly Paola's marriage broke down. 3. be overcome, lose control, crack up (informal), lose it (informal), go to pieces The young woman broke down and crie...
1317.In particular, his paintings are set apart from other paintings by their realistic human faces and deep emotional impact. 尤其是他的画作,因其逼真的人物面貌和深刻的情感冲击而从其他画作中脱颖而出。 1318.New ideas a...
20. (tr) to weaken the impact or force of: this net will break his fall. 21. (tr) to decipher: to break a code. 22. (tr) to lose the order of: to break ranks. 23. (tr) to reduce to poverty or the state of bankruptcy 24. (when: intr, foll by into) to obtain, giv...
When a child goes through such a situation, it affects them mentally, physically, psychologically, and developmentally. It’s important for you to understand all of these impacts to help your child overcome this grief. However, the age, emotional maturity, and the nature of the relationship with...