The participants’ psychological distress was measured using the 21-item Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (Henry & Crawford, 2005). Sample items were “I felt that I had nothing to look forward to” and “I felt I was close to panic”. Each item was rated on a 4-point Likert scale, wher...
The impact of interruptions on individual productivity can also be catastrophic. In 2002, it was reported that, on average, we experience an interruption every eight minutes or about seven or eight per hour. In an eight-hour day, that is about 60 interruptions. The average interruption takes a...
Indeed, a 2009 systematic review reporting on the effects of immigration detention on mental health found detainees to have high levels of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder [14]. Suicidal ideation and deliberate self-harm were also common. Severity of distress was significantly ...
The present study sought to identify the impact of depression on ToM ability, specifically in the social-cognitive domain of perspective-taking. Eye movements and behavioural responses were recorded whilst participants completed a communication task where they had to use perspective cues to resolve a ...
The impact of Virtual Individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (V‐iCST) on cognition, quality of life, mood, and communication in dementia: a feasibility ... Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is a dementia intervention shown to improve cognition and quality of life (QoL). Previous research on...
The total IES-R score was graded for severity from normal (0−23), mild (24–32), moderate (33–36), and severe psychological impact (>37) [17]. We focused on symptoms of depression, anxiety, somatization, and obsessive-compulsive disorder for all participants, using the Chinese ...
In 2019, 280 million people worldwide were suffering from depression, among whom 23 million children and adolescents, and 40 million people were suffering from bipolar disorder [7]. Mood disorders severely impact the lives of patients as well as their family members, and are ranked among the ...
Using micro data from the Chinese General Society Survey (CGSS) in 2013 and official statistical data at the provincial level, this paper tests the impact of individual-level income inequality on subjective environmental pollution in China. The results show that individual-level income inequality has...
Although intensive research on this topic has been conducted, the evidence on the impact of retirement on life satisfaction has been mixed [1]. Retirement has been analysed from different angles, with many scholars investigating the effect of retirement on an individual’s subjective quality of ...
Other factors also contributed to the Great Depression, including the Fed's inactivity followed by its overreaction. Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt both tried to mitigate the impact of the Depression with government policies. Investopedia / Sabrina Jiang ...