The Immorality Amendment Act, 1950 (Act No. 21 of 1950) prohibits sexual intercourse between white people and people of colour. The act was an amendment to the 1927 Immorality Act originally introduced by Hertzog’s governing National Party and its eventually extended to include homosexuality. The...
Offences under the Immorality Act2 10 Sec. 1 (viii). 11 See Ex .parte Minister of Justice: In re R. v. Bolon, 1941 AD 345. 12 Seethe authorities cited in R. v. Ormonde, 1952 (1) SA 272 (AD). SB v. R.. 1958(1) PH, H. 11 (AD). BR BAMFORD.* 9 Q Sec. 335. 9 1...
Erotica is tied up with so many other major subject areas:feminism, the scopic consumption of the human form, voyeurism, immorality, domestic virtue, and pornography, to name a few. These and many more conspire to make erotica a much more complex visual form than it might at first seem to...
The more powerful the State is, or wants to become, the more it must promote immorality and suppress religion and morality. Opposition to Violence. Respectable theologians like John Frame and Gary North accept the moral legitimacy of this institution called "the State," though they reconstruct it...
of her mother's income. Her conversations with Mrs. Warren and Sir George Crofts reveal the unscrupulousness of these members of the ruling class. It must be noted, however, that while protesting strongly against bourgeois exploitation and the immorality of the English ruling classes, Shaw points...
"Rampant immorality threatens the U.S.'s future." 16 Anti-Christian: The lack of activity has downgraded this category. 17 Crime Rate: America's 8th-deadliest mass shooting occurred in El Paso. 21 Anti-Semitism: The hatred of Jews is at decades high. ...
Other laws were also passed to legalize and institutionalize the apartheid system. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949) and the ImmoralityAmendmentAct (1950) prohibited interracial marriage or sex. The Suppression of Communism Act (1950) definedcommunismand its aims broadly to include any ...
• Why the State Encourages Immorality • "Unlucky 13": Isaiah 13, Romans 13, Revelation 13 • A Romans-Eye View of Romans 13 • "Principalities and Powers" • Lakes of Fire in "Smoke-filled Rooms" • Romans 13: The Burden is on the Archists • Taxation, Representa...
The immorality of our health care system remains February 18, 2023 progressive living No comments My late son, Mike, with my husband on a hike in Maine in 1998. Thirteen years ago today, less than two years after our broken helath care system killed my son, it very nearly killed my ...
an artist, poet, etc, who lives in an unconven ti on al, nonconforming way; hav ing or displayi ng a very in formal and unconven ti onal way of lifeit was temptedimmorality: in America at least, the young people were s 51、trongly inclined to shirk their responsibilities. They ...