This German film, directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, tells the unlikely love story between an older German woman and a younger Moroccan immigrant, challenging societal norms and prejudices. The movie's powerful performances and striking visuals create an emotionally charged, thought-provoking experienc...
the pleasure that was the plot against amer the plot of extension the poe shadow the poem about border the poem selections o the poets tears the poetic couplets t the poetry of edgar a the point is maybe i the poison of the sna the poisoning the poker pack the pole said the policy ...
The poem’s opening line establishes rhythmic beat of successive iambs (short-long): “Sweetday, socool, socalm, sobright.” This pattern is more or less followed in the first three lines of the first three quatrains, but each fourth line slams on the brakes with its sober message of m...
Back at the studio, Apollo’s dad asked Halm to simply "make a beat" and, soon enough, the singer was setting his poem to music. (Later, Mustafa’s hushed coda perfected the song’s denouement as the final piece of the puzzle.) And if Apollo’s dad is at least partially responsible...
Free Essay: The Young Elites Song Comparisons The Young Elites by Marie Lu contains the five main elements of a plot line. To start off, the song “What a...
Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist At Work by Edwidge Danticat (Princeton University Press, Sep 19, 2010) Say It Loud: Great Speeches On Civil Rights And African American Identity by Catherine Ellis and Stephen Drury Smith (The New Press, Aug 31, 2010) The Cross of Redemption: Uncollecte...
Let me close with a Bloch translation of an Amichai poem which appears to best represent the individual-life-as-temple ethos. Significantly, in the poem, Amichai refers to David’s Citadel, a Herodian tower in Jerusalem whose name calls to mind the Holy Temple, which, in the Song of ...
When I heard that April is National Poetry Month, I picked up a book of writings by Paul Laurence Dunbar and flipped through it for something timely. I landed on a page with the poem “We Wear the Mask” – pretty appropriate in the midst of a global pandemic where we are learning to...
a2. Go to our website and follow the instructions displayed. 2. 去到我们的网站immigrantvisas.state.gov并且遵守被显示的指示。[translate] aORDER NO. 命令 否。[translate] aOur name was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The ...
Her fourth collection of poetry, Wade in the Water (2018), contemplates issues of class, climate, and slavery, occasionally through the voices of others, notably in the poem “I Will Tell You the Truth About This, I Will Tell You All About It,” which incorporates letters of Black ...