Even if things are going well in your current position at your company, there could always be a better opportunity out there waiting for you. Studies show that job hopping is the rising trend and employees who stay with a company longer than two years earn 50 percent less over their lifeti...
The Cosmopolitan Girl is no more than a night or two’s read, and well worth looking for as both a very funny book and an illuminating artifact of its time. The Cosmopolitan Girl, by Rosalyn Drexler New York: M. Evans & Company, 1974 Categories Short Reviews Tags dogs, New York City,...
2005). This theme of dismissal and invisibility can be illustrated by this consultant working at a large tech company who presented a senior leader with compelling data showing gender bias in the talent pipeline:
With 3,698 engineers from across the UK and from 18 sectors of industry taking part, this year's survey has provided us with an illuminating picture of life in engineering today, from levels of job satisfaction and how pay and benefits in some sectors differ to others, to the number of ...
Perhaps the left image demonstrates the most illuminating (excuse the pun) part of my visit – a demonstration of a rotating spot mechanical television using a picture tube scanned in synchronisation with the rotating disc. This was a very good way to demonstrate just how scanning rasters and ...
In aggregate, this work provides illuminating insights into the issue of wind’s impacts on overall electric system operating costs. I extracted two useful examples from the NREL study: PacifiCorp: PacifiCorp, a large utility in the northwestern United States, operates a system with a peak ...
your bite actually IS much worse than your bark.  Thursday, November 12 could bring illuminating insights about your career as lucky Jupiter shines its high beams into powerhouse Pluto’s vault. This is the final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in 2020’s trio (the others were on April 4 and ...
[13]. Illuminating a building mainly serves to highlight its importance, with lights usually turned on during the celebration of large-scale events (such as traditional festivals) or at certain times of the night [14]. The use of NTLRS time series to study the mechanism and strategy of ...
All SectionsA: Sustainable EnergyA1: Smart Grids and MicrogridsA2: Solar Energy and Photovoltaic SystemsA3: Wind, Wave and Tidal EnergyA4: Bio-EnergyA5: Hydrogen EnergyB: Energy and EnvironmentB1: Energy and Climate ChangeB2: Clean EnergyB3: Carbon Emission and UtilizationB4: Nuclear EnergyC: En...