In the Ancient Greek world, one was meant to focus on a close knowledge of just two books, Homer's The Odyssey and his The Iliad, because these were the best guides to action in military and civilian affairs. However, the modern world firmly equals the intelligent person with the well-...
“The Iliad“(Gr:“Iliás“) is an epic poem by the ancient Greek poetHomer, which recounts some of thesignificant events of the final weeks of the Trojan Warand the Greek siege of the city of Troy (which was also known as Ilion, Ilios or Ilium in ancient times).Written in the mid...
With the ruse of the Trojan Horse, Greek troops 77.The city and slaughtered the Trojans and desecrated the temples, which made the gods very angry and made few of them return home safely. The ancient Greeks'■The war was believed to be an historical time |event, 79_ in the 13 th or...
【题目】In the Ancient Greek world , one was meant to focus on a close knowledge of just two books.Homer's Odyssey and his Iliad , because these were the best guides to action in military and civilian affairs.However , the modern world firmly equals the intelligent person with the well-...
The Iliad)Also found in: Encyclopedia. Il·i·ad (ĭl′ē-əd, -ăd′) n. The older of the two surviving ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer but containing material composed orally over several centuries. It begins with the wrathful withdrawal of the Greek hero ...
Zachary Davis: The Iliad is a story of war—but not in the way you might think. It’s not about the triumphs of battle, but about the painful realities of war. Consider what the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote. 《伊利亚特》讲述了战争,但关注点与我们料想的大相径庭。它讲述的不是战...
⊙25-4The lliad and the OdysseyTwo of the greatest works of literature are also very old.They are the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.Bothwere told by Homer and tell stories about the ancient Greeks.The Iliad is about the Trojan War.Paris abducted Helen andancient walls of Troytook...
One of the greatest epics of ancient Greece, the Iliad tells of events during the final year of the Trojan War*. Iliad means "poem of Ilios," one of the names of the city of Troy in Asia Minor*. The Greek poet Homer is credited with creating the Iliad. Some scholars, however, ...
Zachary Davis: The Iliad is a story of war—but not in the way you might think. It’s not about the triumphs of battle, but about the painful realities of war. Consider what the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote. 《伊利亚特》讲述了战争,但关注点与我们料想的大相径庭。它讲述的不是战...
A A. The influence to the ancient Greeks. B. The exact year and place Homer lived in. C. The modern Greek civilization brought by Homer. D. The numerous literature works translated by Homer.22. What does The Iliad mainly focus on ? D A. Vengeful gods. B. The first year of the ...