The Iliadthrows us right into the thick of battle. It opens when the Trojan War has already been raging for nine long years. An uneasy truce has been declared between the Trojans and the Greeks (Achaeans as they're called inThe Iliad.) In the Greek camp, Agamemnon the King of Mycenae ...
THE ILIADHomer 更新时间:2016-01-18 18:30:43 最新章节:第157章 BOOK XXIV(8) 完结共157章 倒序 第1章 BOOK I(1) 第2章 BOOK I(2) 第3章 BOOK I(3) 第4章 BOOK I(4) 第5章 BOOK I(5) 第6章 BOOK I(6) 第7章 BOOK II(1) 第8章 BOOK II(2) 第9章 BOOK II(3) 第10章 BOOK...
THE ILIADHomer 更新时间:2016-01-18 18:30:43 最新章节:第157章 BOOK XXIV(8) 完结共157章 倒序 第1章 BOOK I(1) 第2章 BOOK I(2) 第3章 BOOK I(3) 第4章 BOOK I(4) 第5章 BOOK I(5) 第6章 BOOK I(6) 第7章 BOOK II(1) 第8章 BOOK II(2) 第9章 BOOK II(3) 第10章 BOOK...
BiancaZY创作的外语有声书作品The Iliad(伊利亚特),目前已更新19个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter eighteen (last chapter)。TheTrojanwarhasbeenragingforalmosttenyears.TheAchaeans...
The Iliad 457 下载订阅分享 声音(20)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 20 Chapter 18 462020-08 19 Chapter 17 62020-08 18 Chapter 16 132020-08 17 Chapter 16 92020-08 16 Chapter 14 (2) 182020-08 15 Chapter 14 (1) 122020-08 14 Chapter 13 102020-08 13 Chapter 12 82020-08 12 Chapter 11 162020-...
ofThe Iliad, believed that Homer was a woman. Robin Lane Fox, the author ofHomer and His Iliad, believes that there was a historical Homer who composedThe Iliadin the mid-eighth century BC. Ultimately, we cannot be certain of authorship or dating. But we can be certain thatThe Iliadwas...
Chapter 1: The Sexual Flexibility among Greco-Roman MalesHomer's recounting of the bloody Trojan War in the Iliad and Odyssey illustrates the real life "military culture based on permanent warfare in which masculinity was highly valued."[1] Given our current prejudices, it is then shocking to ...
Chen realises that there’s a whole rack of Iliad allegories to be had, with a long siege, a vainglorious enemy and even a last-ditch hoped pinned on a ship called the Hector. His heroine, Maria Hambroek, archly observes that she is a bit like Cassandra, the seer cursed to always ...
(2019). Another Day in the Life of Potter-Redux Chapter 1, a Harry Potter Fanfic | FanFiction. Accessed 14 October 2022. Nichols, C. Homme de Plume: What I Learned Sending My Novel Out Under a Male ...
Homer described “drooping head” of poppy in “Iliad,” and a drug “to lull all pain and anger” called nepenthe in “Odyssey” that Helen of Troy obtained from an Egyptian noble. It is postulated that Mekone was named after the field of poppies, and nepenthe may have been opium (...