The latter part of the nine-and-twentieth day, and the night ensuing, take up this book: the scene is at Achilles’ tent on the sea-shore, from whence it changes to the palace of Vulcan. Thus like the rage of fire the combat burns,[250] And now it rises, now it sinks by ...
The Iliad, Book 18Homer
The reader does a fine job reading the book. He speaks clearly and with vigor. I did not enjoy this reading as the version of the Iliad read was very brief, brief even as to leave out important parts of the story. Popular Genres
Learn about internal conflicts in The Iliad, the epic poem written by Homer. Read the analysis of the types of disputes and their significance to...
Book navigation The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 1-2 The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 3-4 The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 5-6 The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 7-8 The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 9-10 The Iliad: Novel Summary: Chapters 11-12 The Iliad: Novel ...
Homer创作的公版免费书小说《THE ILIAD》,已更新157章,最新章节:第157章 BOOK XXIV(8)。本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。…
Read the book summary Buy on Amazon 48 The Song of Achilles Madeline Miller A Novel 4.2 (55 ratings) Listen to the Intro 00:00 What's The Song of Achilles about? The Song of Achilles (2011) is a creative retelling of Homer’s Iliad. The epic tale of the Trojan War is transform...
If you would like to be a part of a fun project-based class that offers creative opportunities for writers, photographers, graphic designers, and artists, join the newspaper (Journalism 2) or yearbook class! Add the course to your CRF, and fill in this short survey. Questions? Talk to Ad...
THE ILIAD>THE ILIAD最新章节目录 THE ILIADHomer 更新时间:2016-01-18 18:30:43 最新章节:第157章 BOOK XXIV(8) 完结共157章 倒序 第1章 BOOK I(1) 第2章 BOOK I(2) 第3章 BOOK I(3) 第4章 BOOK I(4) 第5章 BOOK I(5) 第6章 BOOK I(6) 第7章 BOOK II(1) 第8章 BOOK II(2) ...