Of the 144262 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the video game THE iDOLMASTER: Stella Stage.
Of the 144210 characters on Anime Characters Database, 52 are from the mobile game The Idolmaster: Million Live!.
4.68Average rating 4.68 stars out of 5 stars from 503 ratings 503 ratings 1% 5% Game and Legal Info Besides this title, there is also a Standard Edition. Please be careful not to make duplicate purchases. * To play this product, you need to agree to the terms of service displayed in th...
Related to idolatrous:Idolaters i·dol·a·trous (ī-dŏl′ə-trəs) adj. 1.Of, constituting, or having to do with the worship of idols or false gods. 2.Characterized by or given to uncritical or excessive devotion to something:"Love for one's country which is not part of one'...
Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2) by Katee Robert Best Men, The by Sarina Bowen, Lauren Blakely Code Name: Virgo (Zodiac Tactical #2) by Janie Crouch Savage Road (Torpedo Ink #7) by Christine Feehan Always Someone's Monster (Battle Crows MC #1) by Lani Lynn Vale Nikolai (The Syndicates...
An idol making simulation game, Idol Queens! Produce your own idols in the way the real k-pop idols are produced! ● The most realistic idol making game Tra…
I remember back in 2014 when the “Fappening” occurred and there was a widespread anonymous celebrity nude hack, my entire family sat around the dinner table rating the quality and creativity of nekkid photos. Since most of those were chick photes, I feel it is important to point out that...
Someone needs to do a case study on why so many idol soloists debut with the most subdued (ie: dull) material you could possibly imagine. Have they been so beaten down by the maximalist needs of K-pop’s idol group system? Are they under the impression that — above all else — they...
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The biggest festival of the joint units that have come together to liven up the idol world has now begun!New idols are also scouted for "Project Luminous" and unfold a completely new story!Redesigned look and vibe for a thrilling and realistic experience!A dream competition unique to this ...