Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. fleer - To laugh in a disrespectful or jeering way. See also related terms forlaugh. ...
taboo language is still a phenomenon in almost all languages and cultures, necessitating a more detailed and comprehensive investigation of it in different contexts.
All of the tools listed in Table 4-1 give some control over this trade-off at compression time by offering nine different options: –1 means optimize for speed and -9 means optimize for space. For example, the following command creates a compressed file file.gz using the fastest compression...
Usage Note: The use of get in the passive, as in We got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing. In less formal contexts, however, the construction can provide a useful difference in tone or emphasis, as between the sentences The demonstrators were arrested and The ...
You Idiom! We all know the truisms, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,”“guilt by association,”“one bad apple spoils the bunch,”“the only good (fill in the blank) is a dead (fill in the blank).” In each of these cases we assume a different kind of causal relationship ...
In a completely different context the idiom "lame duck" refers to someone who is incompetent. I happen to think a "best practice" is an adjectival phrase that describes a practice which is better than similar comparable practices in a specific situation; I am still waiting for the commonly ...
(let [{r1 :x r2 :y :as randoms} (zipmap [:x :y :z] (repeatedly (partial rand-int 10)))] (assoc randoms :sum (+ r1 r2))) ;= {:sum 17, :z 3, :y 8, :x 9} Default values. You can use an :or pair to provide a defaults map; if a key specified in the destructur...
Different parsers were built for complaints and infraction notices, in which regular expressions helped remove prologues and epilogues and extract the core text for each infraction. Fig. 2 shows an example of an infraction notice stored as a PDF file in its original idiom, and Fig. 3 contains ...
In addition, early brain responses , 200 ms differed between words with different meaning. Interestingly, differential brain activation reflecting semantic differences sometimes seemed to emerge in modality-specific areas, so that, for example, action-related words sparked particularly strong activity in ...
Understanding how developmental processes unfold over time and interact in different contexts can contribute to more supportive designs for learning environments. Furthermore, general trends in development are modified by interactions between unique aspects of the child and his/her family, community, and ...