BLike many popular movements, Romanticism emerged as a reaction to the ideas that preceded it. Europe in the 1700s was dominated by the ideals of the Enlightenment, which were firmly grounded in reason and logic, the scientific method, mastery over nature, and a belief that polite intellectual...
popular sense of the word, and Romantics of the nineteenth century were generally not concerned with questions of infatuation and heartbreak. What interested them more was a different kind of Romantic vision, one that rebelled against caution and reason and praised the intensity and ferocity of wil...
Arguing that there was a common foundation beneath the diverse strands of thought of this period, he shows how Enlightenment philosophers drew upon the ideas of the preceding centuries even ... (展开全部) 目录 ··· TABLE OF CONTENTS: FOREWORD vii PREFACE xi Chapter I. THE MIND OF THE E...
For enlightenment, anything which does not conform to the standard of calculability and utility must be viewed with suspicion. Once the movement is able to develop unhampered by external oppression, there is no holding it back. Its own ideas of human rights then fare no better than the older ...
Vico and the Ideal of the Enlightenment : Against the Current Essays in the History of Ideas (Second Edition)Berlin, IsaiahBerlin, Isaiah. 1982. Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas. New York: Penguin.Berlin, Isaiah. 1979. Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas...
The guiding ideas of his sociology are little more than leaps of faith akin to a religious and philosophical cast of mind. Comte’s vision of humanity is deeply millennial, exhibiting standard Judeo-Christian themes, most impressively the anticipation of a period of world peace and human perfectio...
Gatherings like these helped to shape and spread the ideas of the Enlightenment.,10,Enlightenment and Government,Enlightenment thinkers criticized accepted ideas about government. Some questioned the medieval belief in the divine right of kings th 9、e idea that God chose a countrys king, and that...
Enlightenment (ɪnˈlaɪtənmənt) n (Philosophy) the Enlightenment an 18th-century philosophical movement stressing the importance of reason and the critical reappraisal of existing ideas and social institutions Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harp...
The Enlightenment was a time of awakening of political, social, and economic thought. The ideas of the Enlightenment originated in France and eventually spread throughout much of Europe and into the North American colonies of Britain. These ideas helped lay the philosophical foundations for the ...
despite our professed respect for history. We probably unconsciously know that architecture is not going to last as long as it used to. But we reject such ideas, even though the real situation affects architecture and marks itwith the flavor of the ephemeral. If architecture is ephemeral it ca...