Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
scientists discovered that dropping particles ofsilver iodideinto cloud tops, made the tiny water dropletscondenseand could stimulateprecipitation. That's calledcloud seeding. This is a technique still being tested today with the aim of producing...
"To obtain an idea of the size of a light-year, take the circumference of the Earth (24,900 miles), lay it out in a straight line, multiply the length of the line by 7.5 (the corresponding distance is one light-second), then place 31.6 million similar lines end to end," NASA's ...
This work demonstrates that the assumption of low constant POC consumption rates is incorrect5,61,62, and that microbial dynamics alone can generate significant variability in the POC flux. Our results challenge the classic idea of particles being inherently labile or recalcitrant and propose that ...
Camera basics– We design scenery, not permanent buildings. We design for a camera. I tell people that basically, we create beautiful reflectors. A film is a record of light particles that have bounced off of people and scenery and passed through a glass lens. Making it look good is the...
1 .Penetrate: vt understand or discover sth .that 15 difficult to understand or 15 hidden. Or, into? through/ to。) go into or through sth. I could not penetrate the mystery .我不能洞察这个秘密。 These fine Particles Penetrate deep into the lungs. ...
While new physics may still be within reach of the LHC or one of its successor experiments, it is also possible that the mass of particles beyond those of the Standard Model is far beyond the energy reach of any conceivable particle collider. We thus have to face the possibility that the ...
The idea that a molecular system of any mass scale is essentially a microscopic coevolutionary system within which all component atoms must coevolve by means of performing the non-equivalent mass-energy exchange and overtime, the bond-mediated interatomic matter-energy exchange will inevitably cause ...
Experimental observations assisted by 2-D imaging diagnostics on the KSTAR tokamak show that a solitary perturbation (SP) emerges prior to a boundary burst of magnetized toroidal plasmas, which puts forward SP as a potential candidate for the burst trigger. We have constructed a machine learning ...
When you look at Saturn’s rings, you can see darker regions that appear like gaps. The most famous of these is the Cassini Division. These gaps or divisions are areas where there are fewer ring particles, often due to gravitational resonances with Saturn’s moons. ...