The Idea of Prison Abolitiondoi:10.1515/9780691229775Princeton University PressShelbyTommie
The Idea of Prison Abolition, by Tommie Shelbydoi:10.1093/mind/fzad075Ewing BenjaminMind
This review of Tommie Shelby's book "The Idea of Prison Abolition" argues that Shelby's critique of prison abolition separates out philosophical ideas from those born of struggle, and by doing so, necessarily sells the idea of prison abolition short. Using two examples of abolitionist on-the-...
Toward the Abolition of the Prison Systemdoi:10.1080/08854300.2014.954922MartinotSteveRoutledgeSocialism and DemocracyToward the Abolition of the Prison System[J] . Steve Martinot.Socialism and Democracy . 2014 (3)
Political economy of a prison system; Comments on the International Conference on Penal Abolition; Emergence of radical prison activists.DavisAngelaY.RodriguezDylanSocial JusticeDavis, Angela and Dylan Rodriguez. "The Challenge of Prison Abolition: A Conversation" Social Justice (September 2000)....
Angela Y. Davis, however, has carried the torch for this movement for decades and accepted the challenge of convincing a nation that prison abolition is a real alternative. As an author and speaker for this movement, her work has added legitimacy to the prison abolition discourse. Her use of...
The Long Parliament of England was established on 3 November 1640 to pass financial bills, following the Bishops' Wars. It sat until 1648, when it was purged, by the New Model Army. General Monck forcibly reinstated its members in February 1660 so they c
Placing prison abolition on the horizon for scholars committed to interrupting the flow of young people toward prisons and jails, this article offers movement analysis, frameworks and associated questions surrounding advocacy and engagement. First, I offer a brief state of the field of research and ...
It reflects on Thomas Mathiesen''s (1974/2015) Politics of Abolition about the relationship between therapeutic practice and political development to argue that BSU represented an abolitionism relevant to prison today.Alan NorrieUniversity of Warwick...