大学的理念The Idea of a University作者:约翰.亨利纽曼 这本书用工作的空余时间到假期看了三分之二,算下来一个多月的时间。偏于学术、句子枯燥、有很多神学和宗教的知识点和背景,-一个章节看下来总结下来,脑子“昏沉沉”的。我称之为“不好啃的书”,啃的时候需要配.上自我... (展开) 1 0回应 Adam ...
aCythnia Cythnia[translate] aCan be used in both tub and undivided kitchen sink 能用于木盆和未分开的厨房水槽[translate] aRemovable and machine washable cove 可移动和机器耐洗的小海湾[translate] aThe Idea of a University. 大学的想法。[translate]...
大学的理念The Idea of a University作者:约翰.亨利纽曼 这本书用工作的空余时间到假期看了三分之二,算下来一个多月的时间。偏于学术、句子枯燥、有很多神学和宗教的知识点和背景,-一个章节看下来总结下来,脑子“昏沉沉”的。我称之为“不好啃的书”,啃的时候需要配.上自我... (展开) 1 0回应 Adam ...
Discusses the mission and function of a university. Definition of a university; Classes of person composing a university; Characteristics of a scholar, a teacher and an undergraduate; Benefit of a university to an undergraduate; Role of a university in the society.Oakeshott...
大学的理念The idea of a university 它是教授普世知识的地方。这意味着,其目的一方面是理智的,而不是道德的;另一方面,这是知识的传播和扩展而不是进步。如果它的对象是科学和哲学发现,我不明白为什么大学应该有学生。如果进行宗教培训,我看不出它怎么能成为文学和科学的所在地。University is a place of ...
如果我做大学校长,那么,我不仅会继承纽曼等人的大学理念,而且也会针对我们这个时代和国度钱学森之问提出的高等教育难题,提出自己的主张:旨在培养创造性人才,聚焦高深知识探讨和高级人才培养,传承中华文化融合人类智慧。 大学的理念The idea of a university
The Idea of a University John Henry Now from these instances, to which many more might be added, it is plain, first, that the communication of knowledge certainly is either a condition or the means of that sense of enlargement or enlightenment, of which at this day we hear so much in ...
ea of a University. The Idea of a University.The Idea of a University.The article examines the idea of a university based on the 19th-century discourse of Cardinal John Henry Newman. In referring to Newman's book "The Idea of a University," the author notes that the current state of ...
the idea of a University TheIdeaofaUniversity(1852and1858)StatueoutsidetheChurchoftheImmaculateHeartofMary,popularlyknownasBromptonOratory,inLondon 大學的起源 现代大学的起源来自中古欧洲 UniversitàdiBologna 法國的巴黎大學 Oxford,Cambridge 大學的理念 •传授知识与培养绅士--紐曼(1852)《大學...
the-idea-of-a-universerty学习资料The Idea of a University Clark Kerr “碧芝自制饰品店”拥有丰富的不可替代的异国风采和吸引人的魅力,理由是如此的简单:世界是每一个国家和民族都有自己的饰品文化,将其汇集进行再组合可以无穷繁衍。"The Idea of a University" was, perhaps, never so well expressed as ...