THEICNCODEOFETHICSFORNURSES国际护理-台湾护理学会.PDF,THE ICN CODE OF ETHICS FOR NURSES 國際護理協會—護理人員倫理規範 國際護理協會於1953年首次公布護理人員倫理規範。至今經多次修訂與確認而 於2012年公布最新修定版。 序文 護理人員有四項基本責任:促進健康、預
The Gambia adopted and modified the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses, considering the moral values of its society. This code of nursing ethics has four principal elements that outline the standards of ethical conduct. These elements of the nursing code of ethics are, nurses and the people, ...
The article reports that the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has revised its code of ethics in 2012 which gives professional emphasis on positive work environments and the use of evidence-based practice.EBSCO_AspAmerican Journal of Nursing...
particularly whether supernovae play an important role in dust production. We report evidence of dust formation in the cold, dense shell behind the ejecta–circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction in the Type Ia-CSM supernova (SN) 2018evt three years after the explosion, characterized...
Comment 12 Artificial intelligence cooperation to support the global response to COVID-19 Making a global impact with AI tools will require scalable approaches for data, model and code sharing; adapting applications to local contexts; and cooperation across borders. 15 Nanoscale nights of COVID-19 ...
Breast cancer is a leading cause of mortality and the most prevalent form of malignant tumor among women worldwide. Breast cancer cells exhibit an elevated
In healthcare settings, violence could have many consequences for healthcare workers, patients, and the system at large. The ethics of violence can be pretty complex, and many risk factors are related to a lack of communication, systems, and environmental factors [5]. Violence against health...
This study was conducted in conformance with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) involving humans and all its later amendments. Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to the fact that it was conducted as a survey analyzing the results...
Respondents reported that the five wound types chosen were in fact the most often seen wound types in their practice. This was especially the case for non-specialist respondents (clinic, home care and long-term care nu...
Nurses and other health care providers face daily challenges when delivering care in the acute care settings to adult patients on the autism spectrum (ASD). Secondary to a lack of disability-specific training, health care providers may struggle to establish and maintain a therapeutic rapport with ...