我把Pit的前期流程按精通分为以下几个阶段: P0~P2 P3~P5 P6~P9 P10 (P=Prestige,精通) 那么下面带着你的辅助和你的账号,我们开始吧。 一、初识Pit 进入pit,出生点位于整个地图的上方,有着四个发射平台和中间的巨大天坑,它们构造了最简单的打法——刷坑/打野。 右边的框显示你所拥有的金币,经验,等级和精通。
Pain Focus(pf,绝地反击):掉一颗心 造成 +1/2/5%伤害(配合其他属性很屌单个也强) Pitpocket(pitpock,口袋):命中对方偷取对方15/20/25gold(25/20/13s冷却时间)(没用,也就25,要是百比较好) Punisher(惩罚者):对血量50%的玩家造成+6/12/18%伤害(还行) Revengeance(复仇):对最后一个杀死你的玩家造成+...
08:38 MegaWalls map bug. 2017-08-15 25:44 Chinese Hypixel! - 我的世界 Skywars #29 2017-08-14 30:32 Enchanter! - Minecraft Skywars #28 2017-07-03 16:40 F**k keyboard - Minecraft Bedwars #4 2017-07-02 29:53 The New Maps! - Minecraft Skywars #27 2017-06-04 19:53 The eyes ...
The Pit交流下..目前55级,有99个hype,两套钻甲加钻剑,有Golden Head和一个能让金子翻倍(捡一个金子+12Gold)的Buff,Gold还有4000多,准备再去买一波Buff。求dalao指点一下接下
There’s even a game called Turbo Kart Racers, which is a surprisingly good racing game that will pit you against other players as you try and reach the finish line first. It’s a lot of fun, and they update it regularly, so it’s worth sticking around for. IP Address: mc.hypixel....
It’s a uniquely Welsh experience. I’ve never been Scottish, or Irish, or Latvian, but those that have inform me when you tell someone where you’re from, the response typically isn’t“What’s that?”. For the Welsh, that basic icebreaker question from anyone outside the U...
If you’re in the mood for fun, then a stop by Hypixel is required. This mini game-based world has a healthy selection of multiplayer missions to take part in — best of all, it’s free to play. Jump into games such as UHC Champions, a hardcore survival mode game, or Turbo Kart ...
1. Rage pit 狂热天坑 起Bonk,角斗士和连锁力量打,连点启动即可,混一个声望 2. Team Deathmatch 团队死斗 起Bonk,吸血鬼,角斗士打,瞅准锁链打一刀就跑,因为助攻和击杀等价 3. Pizza 披萨摊 最烂的活动,建议买钻套然后围着披萨摊看到村民刷出来了立即交货交钱,不要让披萨摊旁边转悠的高p截胡 ...
详情可以查询The Hypixel Pit Wiki 其他有用的side有sweaty(剑和裤子都有),提高连杀经验,刷坑必备,sw3 plain一般值7v左右。 装备坏了可以找信得过的人帮你修 或者你打到p10自己修 一般来说1v/一命,上了gem的武器两v修一条命 其他的附魔多玩游戏看别人交易慢慢就会了解 ...
经验在hypixelpit中是一个基础的资源,和金币类似,精通需要你拥有足够的经验。一个等级需要的经验取决于你的等级和精通,等级和精通越高,一个等级需要的经验也就越高 如果你需要精通,你需要先达到120级,达到120级所需的经验取决于你的精通 精通等级 倍数 所需经验 ...