Sanitar needs to be killed once for the quest The Huntsman Path - Relentless and either killed for the quest The Huntsman Path - Sadist or not killed for Colleagues - Part 3. Sanitar needs to be killed 15 times for the quest Overseas Trust - Part 1....
·The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman·The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 1·The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 2·The Huntsman Path - Sadist·Ambulance·Shady Business·Nostalgia·Fishing Place·Courtesy Visit·Hunting Trip·Reserve·The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1·The Tarkov Shooter - Part 2·The...
· The Huntsman Path - Justice· The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 1· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 2· The Huntsman Path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady Business· Nostalgia· Fishing Place· Courtesy Visit· Hunting Trip· Reserve· The Tarkov ...
· Huntsman path - Eraser - Part 2· Huntsman path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady business· Nostalgia· Fishing place· Courtesy visit· Hunting trip· Reserv· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 1· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 2· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 3· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part...
· Huntsman path - Eraser - Part 2· Huntsman path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady business· Nostalgia· Fishing place· Courtesy visit· Hunting trip· Reserv· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 1· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 2· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 3· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part...
· The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 1· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 2· The Huntsman Path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady Business· Nostalgia· Fishing Place· Courtesy Visit· Hunting Trip· Reserve· The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1· The Tarkov ...
· The Huntsman Path - Justice· The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 1· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 2· The Huntsman Path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady Business· Nostalgia· Fishing Place· Courtesy Visit· Hunting Trip· Reserve· The Tarkov ...
· Huntsman path - Eraser - Part 2· Huntsman path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady business· Nostalgia· Fishing place· Courtesy visit· Hunting trip· Reserv· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 1· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 2· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 3· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part...
· Huntsman path - Eraser - Part 2· Huntsman path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady business· Nostalgia· Fishing place· Courtesy visit· Hunting trip· Reserv· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 1· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 2· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part 3· "The Tarkov shooter" - Part...
· The Huntsman Path - Justice· The Huntsman Path - Evil Watchman· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 1· The Huntsman Path - Eraser - Part 2· The Huntsman Path - Sadist· Ambulance· Shady Business· Nostalgia· Fishing Place· Courtesy Visit· Hunting Trip· Reserve· The Tarkov ...