PS4 KaarttheHunter: Call of the Wild™ - Sundarpatan Nepal Hunting Reserve €11,99 PS4 ItemtheHunter: Call of the Wild™ - German Shorthaired Pointer €5,99 Beoordelingen theHunter: Call of the Wild™ Meld je aan om te beoordelen Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 4.38Gemiddelde...
Des frais de licence uniques donnent droit de jouer sur le système PS4™ principal désigné du compte et d'autres systèmes PS4™ une fois connecté à ce compte. theHunter: Call of the Wild® © 2020 Expansive Worlds AB. Tous droits réservés. Édité et développé par ...
猎人:荒野的召唤 the Hunter: Call of the Wild 8.3 2193人评价 PC XboxOne PS4 145小时(主线) 标签: 第一人称射击 想玩(38013) 玩过(304515) 打开游民App,点击免费领取游戏 详情 短评226 评测0 攻略 资讯 专区 我的点评添加点评 登录后点评 内容简介 《猎人:荒野的召唤》是一款由Avalanche ...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition PS4PS5 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4PS5The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt key features Play as a highly trained monster hunter for hire Hunt down a variety of bloodthirsty monsters, from savage beasts prowling mountain passes to cunning supernatural predator...
Developed in close collaboration with the community, theHunter: Call of the Wild offers a wealth of paid and free content, including reserves, hunting equipment, weapon packs, and trophy lodges. With new content and updates regularly added, players can look forward to a constantly evolving experie...
PS4/XB1《猎人野性的呼唤》10月2日发售 《theHunter: Call of the Wild》提供最身历其境的狩猎体验。步入生机勃勃且风景如画的开放世界中,你将在荒野中一睹雄伟的鹿、威风凛凛的野牛、数不清的飞禽、动物和昆虫。这 50 平方英里内的每一处细节,都应用了 Avalanche Studios 新开发的遊戲引擎 Apex。此技术荣获...
Play as a highly trained monster hunter for hire Hunt down a variety of bloodthirsty monsters, from savage beasts prowling mountain passes to cunning supernatural predators lurking in the shadows of bustling city streets. Explore a morally gray fantasy open world Traverse a rich, fantastical rea...
witcher 3 ps4 the witcher ps4 games with witch hunter About this item Product details Become a professional monster slayer and embark on an adventure of epic proportions! Upon its release, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt became an instant classic, claiming over 250 Game of the Year awards. Now yo...
Its story of two Spider-Men is a great time and a Spidey fan’s dream to play through as comic book tussles with Venom and Kraven the Hunter are brought to life, elegantly walking the tightrope between light humour and heavier themes. Meanwhile, Insomniac refines a successful formula of ...
PS4 KartetheHunter: Call of the Wild - Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve €7,99 PS4 Add-ontheHunter: Call of the Wild - Duck and Cover Pack €3,99 Bewertungen theHunter: Call of the Wild™ Zum Bewerten anmelden Bewertungen globaler Spieler 4.38Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.38 von 5 Sternen ...