theHunter: Call of the Wild® © 2020 Expansive Worlds AB. Tous droits réservés. Édité et développé par Expansive Worlds AB. Expansive Worlds et ses logotypes respectifs sont des marques commerciales d'Expansive Worlds AB. theHunter: Call of the Wild® est une marque déposée ou...
Welcome to Finland, a country home to some of Northern Europe’s most beautiful hunting spots Set in the north edge of the Baltic Sea, Revontuli Coast invites you to explore a vast and sprawling archipelago that teems with life. With peak bird season und
PS4/XB1《猎人野性的呼唤》10月2日发售 《theHunter: Call of the Wild》提供最身历其境的狩猎体验。步入生机勃勃且风景如画的开放世界中,你将在荒野中一睹雄伟的鹿、威风凛凛的野牛、数不清的飞禽、动物和昆虫。这 50 平方英里内的每一处细节,都应用了 Avalanche Studios 新开发的遊戲引擎 Apex。此技术荣获奖...
LUSH AND VIBRANT FLORA Trek through the stumps of the burnt forest, rolling foothills, crimson fields and the crisp yellow leaves of the woodlands as you take in the splendor of the Alaskan night sky. .300 CANNING MAGNUM Favored by marksmen and hunters alike for its accuracy, the .300 Magnu...
PS5|PS4《Way of the Hunter》拓展内容「Lintukoto Reserve」官方宣传视频欢迎来到林图科托保护区,自然野性和静谧的一面在这里浑然一体,堪称斯堪的纳维亚的一颗宝石。这个广袤的保护区坐拥多样的生物群落和令人叹为观止的地貌,肯定会令自然爱好者和野生动物爱好者流连忘返。 PlayStation超话#玩无极限# LPlayStation中国...
PS5|PS4《Way of the Hunter》拓展内容「川崎载具包」官方宣传视频开车前往偏远的狩猎场并非易事,而步行耗时则更是无法估量。全新的川崎UTV越野车能够穿越陡峭的斜坡和崎岖的地形,堪称完美。川崎载具包为您提供两款通用全地形车:Teryx和Mule,分别配有两种颜色可供选择。 PlayStation超话#玩无极限# LPlayStation中国...
《无路之旅(The Pathless)》由 ABZÛ 的创作团队开发,讲述了一名女射手和一只猎鹰在广袤的森林里历险探密的精彩故事。Hunter 是一名女性神射手。为了驱除笼罩世界的黑暗诅咒,你将化身这名神射手,踏上一座神秘的岛屿。 玩家点评(00 违法和不良信息举报
Ride into the dangerous wilds of a North America reeling from the effects of a pandemic that’s turned a large percentage of the population into zombie-like Freakers. As bounty hunter Deacon St John, you’re out here looking for a reason to live in a world full of death and destruction....
Ride into the dangerous wilds of a North America reeling from the effects of a pandemic that’s turned a large percentage of the population into zombie-like Freakers. As bounty hunter Deacon St John, you’re out here looking for a reason to live in a world full of death and destruction....