游戏中按 START 键暂停,按上 ,下, 左, 右, 上 ,下, 左, 右, 上 ,下, 左, 右, 上 ,下, 左, 右, A, A, A, B, B, B, Select, Select, Select, 右, 右, 右, 上, 上, 上, 下, 下, 下, 左, 左, 左, A, B, B, A 即可。 未知功能 游戏中按 START 键暂停,按SELECT即可。
The Hunt for Red October (Jack Ryan) 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 很多人不知道的是,作为克兰西杰克莱恩系列开山之作,无论是技术细节( 比如红十月号这艘艇的整体设计一开始就错得离谱,流体力学水声学的看了想打人,一步错,后面步步错;以及他对苏联红海军的体制,技术装备那自以为是的贫弱了解),还是文笔,那都是...
书名:The Hunt for Red October《猎杀“红十月”号》 中文简介:《猎杀红色十月号》 (英语:The Hunt for Red October)为美国畅销军事小说作家汤姆·克兰西于1984年出版的处女作,故事以苏联核子导弹潜艇舰长马尔科·拉米斯上校及美国中央情报局分析师杰克·雷恩两人为主轴发展,杰克·雷恩必须分析判断出马尔科·拉米斯是打...
'The Hunt for Red October'是Tom Clancy所著的一本书籍的名字,中文翻译为《寻找红色十月》,讲述了苏联一艘弹道导弹潜艇试图叛逃到美国的故事,及由此引发的美苏争夺。 'The Hunt for Red October'的基本信息 《The Hunt for Red October》,中文译为《猎杀红色十月》或《猎...
The Hunt for Red October的创作者· ··· 汤姆·克兰西作者 作者简介· ··· 汤姆・克兰西(1947--2013)、美国军事作家,当今世界最畅销的反恐惊悚小说大师。他的小说布局广大,气势磅礴,对于军事武器、恐怖行动、国家情报体系、全球战略关系,描述逼真详实,在全球拥有广大读者群;代表作《猎杀“红十月”号》...
The Hunt for Red October is a Shoot-'Em-Up game, developed by RSP and published by Hi Tech Expressions, which was released in 1993. Latest Updates Release Date Added to Databaseoliist30th Oct 2010 Release Date Added to Databaseoliist30th Oct 2010...
The Hunt for Red October: Directed by John McTiernan. With Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill. In November 1984, the Soviet Union's best submarine captain violates orders and heads for the U.S. in a new undetectable sub. The American CIA
The Hunt for Red October (1990) Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, and Scott Glenn in The Hunt for Red October (1990) PeopleSean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn TitlesThe Hunt for Red October Photo by Paramount Pictures/Getty Images - © 2012 Getty Images...
猎杀红色十月(The Hunt for Red October)简介: The Hunt for Red Octoberis a 1984 novel by Tom Clancy. The story follows the intertwined adventures of Soviet submarine captain Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius and CIA analyst Jack Ryan. The novel was originally published by the U.S. Naval Institute Pres...