The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with ...
每年,The Hunger Games的抽签仪式在一日举行,从十二至十八岁的少年少女中随机挑选一名作为游戏选手,这在一定程度上体现了抽签制度对贫困家庭的挑战,因为增加签条数量可以换取一年的粮食配给。虽然抽签有自愿制度,但资格者有权选择代替被选中者参加。竞技场,这个大型户外场地可能是极地或沙漠,被重力墙...
the hunger games 饥饿游戏简介iwant to introduce the movie<The Hunger Games> it have 4 sets and it were adapted from the novel <the hunger games> it’stakes place in anfictionalcountry,it hasa powerful government working in a central citycalled PANEM, and the people live in here are rich,...
The_Hunger_Games英文介绍 TheHungerGames BySuzanneCollins WINNING MEANSFAMESANDFORTUNE,MEANSCERTAIN LOSING DEATH,THE HUNGERGAMESHAVEBEGUN……Plot TheHungerGamestakesplaceinanunidentifiedfuturetimeperiodafterthedestructionofNorthAmerica,inanationknownasPanem.Thisiswhereapowerfulgovernmentworkingina...
这部电影其实是根据一部外国主流小说《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)改编的,在国外比较火,国内热度一般般。 故事剧情也很吸引人: 北美洲大内战后变成一片废墟,民主政府倒塌,独裁政府上台,但新政权有个冷血规定: 国内的12个地区每年要抽签进贡一对少年男女,参加一档电视真人秀“饥饿游戏”,来纪念来自不易的和平。
The Hunger Games的创作者· ··· 苏珊·科林斯 作者简介· ··· 苏珊·柯林斯(Suzanne•Collins): 1991年就开始儿童电视剧创作。她为尼科罗登儿童台创作的《克拉丽莎都知道》《谢尔比·吴的神秘档案》系列剧,获得了艾美奖。畅销系列小说“地底纪事”(Underl and Chronicles)初试啼声即备受赞誉。“饥饿游戏”...
The Hunger Games Summary The Hunger Games details the adventure of Katniss Everdeen, who is forced to engage in a fight-to-the-death tournament against other children. The novel takes place in Panem, a dystopic country built on what was once North America. In a world of limited resources, ...
饥饿游戏英文介绍 The Hunger Games A 1 TheHungerGames SpeakersZhangYanbinHuangXinyuan 2015.10.28 A 2 SomethingBeforeit I’dsaythatIpayattentiontothismoviebecausethesongSafe&SoundsungbyTaylorSwiftinthismovie.ThesongisaslightasafeatherfallingontomyheartandthenIhavebeenlovingthismoviedeeply.A 3 Katniss...
The Hunger Games is a multi-movie franchise starring Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen. The films are based on the young adult dystopian book series by author Suzanne Collins. The first film was released in 2012, followed by Catching Fire in 2013, Mo