Spark engagement in "The Hunger Games" with lesson plans, character and theme analysis. StoryboardThat's visual activities bring this action story to life.
Activities What does pariahs mean in Hunger Games? A pariah is an outcast from their society. In the novel, Katniss fears becoming a Pariah if she kills Peeta or if he kills her. What does hysterically mean in the Hunger Games? The word "hysterically" means to respond with extreme emoti...
predator捕食性动物,掠夺者,掠夺成性的人(或)组织 prey猎物,捕获物,受害者 snob势利小人,谄上欺下的人;自以为懂行者,自命不凡的人 Eating lunch, sitting next to each other at assemblies, parternering for sports activities. tesserae小块镶嵌大理石(或玻璃);(木头、骨做成的)筹码,骰子,票子(tessera 的复数...
The Hunger Gamesis one of my favorite young adult book series and movie franchises. These books propel your imagination into a world of survival and adventure. But in this world, it is not just physical strength that determines one’s fate—it is also the characters’ mental strengths as w...
They had quite a few amazing costumes from the movies but other than that it was mostly just trivia questions and some other virtual activities. The archery definitely made it more worth the money-still overpriced and we got a spring sake discount) the “commemorative ticket”...
This paper explains how educators can draw out these themes through classroom discussions and activities. The paper shows how The Hunger Games series can be taught as a vehicle for coming to terms with "the other in ourselves" (Reardon, 1996, p. 51), recognizing our own capacity for ...
These activities go against the traditional gender roles, with Peeta taking a far weaker part in the book than Katniss, who acts as a symbol of rebellion, taking charge and leading her team to victory. Therefore, “The Hunger Games” reverses traditional gender roles, destroying the preconceived...
Suzanne Collins, the author of The Hunger Games, decided to do something different with her main protagonists, Katniss and Peeta. In the book, they seem to have flipped gender roles that society does not see males and females in such a way. For example, women have often been seen as hous...
His expression brightens at the treat. “Thank you, Prim. We’ll have a real feast.” Suddenly he falls into a Capitol accent as he mimics Effie Trinket, the maniacally upbeat woman who arrives once a year to read out the names at the reaping. “I almost forgot! Happy Hunger Games!”...
The Hunger Games Lionsgate 3 The Popularity Of Gambling In 'The Hunger Games' Harkens Back To Ancient Rome The connections betweenThe Hunger Gamesand gladiatorial combat are many, but the behind-the-scenes activities of the Games are also representative of how spectators, observers, and g...