Beginner;s optimism is the human tendency to underestimate the time required to complete an unfamiliar task. It occurs due to a lack of planning and research on the part of someone who is excited about doing something they have never down before. In other words, when we get assigned a new...
根据原文第二段The mind is absorbed in its comfort zone, and anytime wetry to stretch that zone too far, for too long, the mind tries desperately to get back to "ground zero" at any cost.头脑被它的舒适区域所吸引,任何时候,如果想把这个区域拉得太远,太长时间,头脑都会不顾一切地试图回到"...
the human mind is wonderful阅读理thehumanmindiswonderful阅读理 1.Thehumanmindisawonderfulthing.It'salsoanexcuse-makingmachinethatfrequentlytriestoconvinceusnottotakeactionweknowgoodforus.Ifwehadn'tlearnedabouttheseexcuses,orhowtoovercomethem,wewouldneverhavesucceededinmakingpositivechanges. 2.Sowhydoesthe...
中考英语阅读理解1 If you want to learn a new language, the best way is to go to the country that speaks that language. English is a language that is important for everyone to learn because it is spoken by over 300 million people in the world. It is the language of international trade ...
I strongly suggest that our English film appreciation course (should) consist of/be composed of/be made up of enjoying the film and talking about wonderful movie lines.(4)(2020·新课标Ⅰ,新闻报道)运动员主要由选拔自不同班级和年级的学生组成,他们踊跃参加了比赛。
Unit 11 Section Ⅱ第137页 北师大版英语 ·必修4 课前自主预习 课堂师生共研 精讲课时语法 课后演练提能 [理解·难句解析] 1 The classic advertisement is one that gives information about finding certain products. 传统广告是一种为找到某些产 品提供信息的广告。 本句是主从复合句,句中that引导的定语...
人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020 年 必修二 Unit 2The Olympic Games 单元测试 含答案详解 单元综合测评 uni t 2 Book 1 (时间:100 分钟 分值:120 分) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分) A What is the most valuable title for Mi...
9.It is apparent that through participating in this picking activity,we have become aware of the significance of work.10.Members in the group are expected to try solving problems by themselves,as opposed(oppose) to waiting for help.Ⅲ.阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2.5分,共10分)...
If you like a hotel that you stayed in, you can tell people that it was wonderful. If you think that the food in a certain restaurant was bad, then you can tell people not to eat there. Other people can use their app to read your reviews. Plenty of people prefer not to use these...
Section Ⅰ Vocabulary Ⅰ.写重点词汇 1.quote n.引文,引语 2.float v.浮,漂 3.folk adj.民间的,民俗的 4.tale n.故事 5.abstract adj.抽象(派)的 6.awe-inspiring adj.令人起敬的,令人钦佩的 7.wire