原文标题:The Human Genome Project at 20Epic ambitionThe genomics revolution has transformed biology. Its work is not over yet人类基因组计划完成20周年雄心壮志基因组学革命改变了生物学,它的工作尚未结束 Big scienceYet for genomics to become a part of everyday medicine, the hard work is still ahea...
The Human Genome (因 ) Project, a great$ 3 billion, 15-year task aimed at drawing the genetic(遗传的) map of humans,is now more than90 percent completed. The scientific and medical communities( 团体) are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of diseases ...
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was conceived in the mid-1980s as an ambitious effort to characterize the human genome, ultimately culminating with a complete DNA sequence by the year 2005. The accomplishment of this goal would locate the ~80,000 genes and provide the DNA sequence (~3 脳 ...
[1] Twenty years ago the Human Genome Project (HGP) unveiled a mostly complete sequence of the roughly 3bn base pairs of DNA found in every set of human chromosomes. The project was chock-full of ego and hype, but also heralded the rapid improvements and dramatically lower costs of sequenc...
The Human Genome Project has transformed biology through its integrated big science approach to deciphering a reference human genome sequence along with the complete sequences of key model organisms. The project exemplifies the power, necessity and success of large, integrated, cross-disciplinary efforts...
D The Human Genome Project is one of the greatest explorations in human history, and it only takes 13 years for scientists from different countries to complete this huge project and draw the genetic map of human beings. The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances ...
June 26 2000 — the Human Genome(基因组) Project a great $3 billion 15-year task aimed at drawing the genetic(遗传的) map of humans is now more than 90 percent completed. The scientific and medical communities are very excited about the chances genetic research provides for getting rid of...
The Human Genome Project (HGP), an international program to decode the entire DNA sequence of the human genome in 15 years, represents the largest
genome n. 【生物】基因组;染色体组 project vt. 1.计划;规划 2.投掷,发射,喷射(+at/into) 3.投射(光线等);映(+on/onto) 4.突出;使凸出 5.阐述;表明...的特性,使呈现特性 6.预计,推断 human n. 1.人,人类 a. 1.人的,人类的 2.有人性的,通人情的 3.显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的 genom...
1.原文:the Human Genome Project (HGP) unveiled a mostly complete sequence of the roughly 3bn base pairs of DNA found in every set of human chromosomes. 词典:a set of sth 一套,一幅,一组(类似的东西) 例句:He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. ...