本書《The human Condition 》是Hannah Arendt 重要的思想拼圖,試圖帶領讀者重返政治哲學的原初條件:政治是關乎眾人之事,每個人都可以帶著思考去行動、啓動新的事物,儘管彼此交互作用的結果是偶然而不可測的。政治行動是人類活動的最高境界1. 一組關於勞動(labour)、工作(work)、行動(action)三種人類主要活動的概念...
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GENERAL AND THEORETICAL: The Human Condition. HANNAH ARENDTAstronomyCamerasHubble Space TelescopeImaging systemsInterference filtersNear infraredOptical coatingsOptical filteringTransmittanceFirst page of articledoi:10.1525/aa.1959.61.4.02a00190Review by: John W. Bennett...
Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition(《人类的境况》) 下载地址:http://fs1.bay.cech.com.cn/download/file_share_12971921.html 竺乾威汉译本:http://athenacool.blogcn.com/diary,5139848.shtml(特别提示:该译本质量极成问题版) Rate this: Share this: Twitter Facebook Tumblr Email Print LinkedIn ...
Wolff, Kurt, 1961: Man's Historicity and Dualism: The Significance of Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition for Sociology. In: Ders., 1983: Beyond the Sociology of Knowl- edge. Lanham: Wiley & Sons, 67‑104.Wolff KH (1961) On the significance of Hannah Arendt's The Human ...
“Middlemarch,” and Hannah Arendt’s “The Human Condition.” Reading with a group makes it easier to keep motivated, and I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to have serious literary and philosophical discussions with people who read carefully and think critically. I think my intellectual ...
Maria Markus.Book Review: Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition 2nd ed., introduced by Margaret Canovan, (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1998), pp. 349, US$16. Hanna Pitkin, The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt’s Concept of the Social (Chicago: University of Chi.Political Science...
In her thesis on national identity and the moral responsibilities that come with it, the great German American philosopher Hannah Arendt complained about the notion of global citizenship very much in this vein, as does the contemporary thinker Nick Tate, whose masterful Conservative Case for Education...
Hannah Arendt contended that Verstand (intellect) was associated with the search for truth, while Vernunft was all about the quest for meaning and that humans need them both. My Ecology of Organizing course (titled formally as Organizational Behaviour for Decision-making) is all about the making ...
The Human Condition Hannah Arendt Uncover the Dangers of Humanity’s Increasing Capabilities 14 min 3.8 The Algebra of Wealth Scott Galloway A Simple Formula for Financial Security 17 min 3.9 Confidence Ethan Nichtern Holding Your Seat through Life's Eight Worldly Winds 17 min 4.2 Stop Overthin...