The human abdomen is the part of the front of our body between the chest and the waist line. It is house to many organs in the abdomen including the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and bowels.
test-tube baby- a baby conceived by fertilization that occurs outside the mother's body; the woman's ova are removed and mixed with sperm in a culture medium - if fertilization occurs the blastocyte is implanted in the woman's uterus ...
Introduction: Vision of the human body has been shown to be key in eliciting sexual desire. However, whether the visual pattern characterizing sexual desire is different in women and men is still unclear.Bolmont, MyleneBianchi-Demicheli, FrancescoBoisgontier, Matthieu P.Cheval, Boris...
16. (Clothing & Fashion) a woman's close-fitting one-piece garment for the torso 17. (Clothing & Fashion) the part of a dress covering the body from the shoulders to the waist 18. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) another name for shank11 19. (Dyeing) a. the pigment contained ...
woman (ˈwumən) –plural women (ˈwimin) – noun 1. an adult human female. His sisters are both grown women now; (also adjective) a woman doctor; women doctors.mujer 2. a female domestic daily helper. We have a woman who comes in to do the cleaning. mujer que hace la limpi...
A woman’s reproductive organs include a pair of ovaries that form eggs and the uterus, where a baby gestates until it’s ready to be born. A man’s reproductive organs include the testes, where sperm is formed, and a penis for delivering sperm into the uterus. When an egg and sperm...
the image of a perfect human body has undergone substantial changes. At different times, the owners of the perfect body were Gene Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy, Kate Moss. The body shapes of the most admired models have remained consistently slimmer than that of the average American woman,repr...
Young American Woman, Brit Man Go Public Over 'Gender Transition' Regret 'Transgender' Individual Attempted to Murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Indictment Alleges Female With Male 'Identity' Upset at Being Treated as Male By Insurance Companies ...
Photo about the human body coloured drawing or pattern in underwear show. in shenzhen, China. Image of asia, women, fashion - 90976312
human being nounhuman,man,woman,person,mortalnot to hear a fellow human being's voice Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 human being noun A member of the human race: ...