推荐这支蒙古金属摇滚乐队给大家,The Hu,当然,他们说自己的风格是匈奴摇滚(Hunnu Rock),马头琴,托布秀尔,口弦,真的太凶了。这首歌叫THIS IS MONGOL #The Hu# http://t.cn/A6Shn4vN
The HU - This Is Mongol The Hu来自蒙古国,气势如虹的音乐和彪悍的形象充满着强烈的民族特色,将一幅金戈铁马展现在人们面前,雄浑躁动的音色营造出厚重感。#TheHU #WolfTotem #HunnuRock @AwesomeMusic· 2022年8月14日AwesomeMusic 00:00 1 哪个主办方能给TheHu整国内来啊 最好是能来巡演 来了我必去#The...
来自The Hu《Rumble Of Thunder》,专辑简介:After a very successful global debut, Mongolian rock band The Hu are back with their latest album ‘Rumble of Thunder.’ The Hunnu rockers’ focus track, “Bii Biyelgee,” is a folk-like rock song that’ll be lo
35 【The HU】- Upright Destined Mongol 04:51 【The HU】- Segee 04:41 【The HU】- Shihi Hutu 07:10 【The HU】- TATAR Warrior 05:04 【The HU】- The Legend of Mother Swan 05:26 【The HU】- The Gereg 04:55 【The HU】- Shireg Shireg 05:48 【The HU】- The Same 05:28 ...
喜多嶋修《素浪人》黑胶开箱/试听 05:19 《回忆三部曲》绝版cd开箱 03:41 黑胶开箱/试听 金属核August Burns Red新专辑限量胶《Death Below》 03:39 灵魂乐黑胶 Etta James《Sunday Kind Of Love》歌词附 03:20 黑胶开箱/试听 蒙古民谣金属THE HU《This Is Mongol》 05:13 黑胶开箱/试听 融合爵士 喜多岛修...
(TV Series) - Themselves (1 episode, 2022), Performer ("This is Mongol", "Bii Biyelgee", "Song of Women", "Wolf Totem") (1 episode, 2022) The HU - Nomads Rock the World (十一月 25, 2022) Season 1, Episode 553 - Themselves, Performer ("This is Mongol", "Bii Biyelgee", ...
在线看The HU - This Is Mongol 4分钟 37秒。2022 5月 13的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 17790 — 已浏览。 265 — 已评价。
The Hu,唱的是蒙古的悲歌 2022年6月,蒙古乐队The Hu的两首MV"Yuve Yuve Yu" (发生了什么事?)与 "Wolf Totem" (狼图腾),油管累积观看超过1.7亿次。这已经是整个蒙古国人口数量的52倍还要多了。妥妥的亚洲金属一哥。他们几乎收割了所有类型的乐迷,不仅是金属乐迷,摇滚乐迷,还有老人妇女孩子,以及南美游民,美国...
“This is Mongol” serves as the opening song on The HU’s newest album,Rumble of Thunder. The HU are a Mongolian folk metal band that uses traditional Mongolian instruments as well as Mongolian throat singing. As such, their music resembles much other folk rock music, with their heavy ...
纵观the hu的几个出名的mv,不难发现,代表游牧民族、传统蒙古铁骑的马元素是非常缺失的。 取而代之的是《wolf totem》里的哈雷机车和《this is mongol》里的越野卡丁车。无论是乐器、服装还是配饰,全都改良了。 另外,the hu引以自豪的母语蒙古文,不再是传...