Director John Carpenter created a modern classic when he gave his villain a blank William Shatner mask to wear while he stalks babysitters around the fictional town of Haddonfield, Illinois. The movie created another icon, too, in Jamie-Leigh Curtis, who'd become both a scream queen in her...
“common”; being without a husband was grounds enough to assume the worst. A third woman is a migrant who manages a regulated brothel with her husband and is on the house’s roster of prostitutes: married but fully professional. Historical language shows us how women who deviated from the ...
Illinois - Frank Lloyd Wright Home Even though there are Wright homes scattered throughout the country, Illinois, specifically Oak Park, holds the most extensive collection of them. The Frank Lloyd Wright home is one of the staple pieces of architecture in the...
Charles Simic – Laura Kasischke has always been less concerned with “answering” or solving the emotionally charged familial, erotic, existential, spiritual, and linguistic puzzles she presents in her poems than with exploring how language (words, poetry) and the unfathomable world are, as Northrop...
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Google Scholar Bruce, E. F. (2010). Bridging the military-civilian divide: What each side needs to know about itself. Fairfax: Potomac Book Inc. Google Scholar Brunner, O., Conze, W., & Koselleck, R. (Eds.). (1982). Geschichtliche ...
Eda Hurd Lord moved from Illinois to California, first Glendale and then La Jolla, for its environment. She gave her granddaughter the choice of attending a public or private school. Eda chose private, entering the Bishop’s School in 1922. Eda Lord, from the Bishop’s School yearbook, ...
Between 1937 and 1941 they were accused of conspiring to oppress employees from the Mine “B” in Springfield, Illinois from exercising their rights secured to them by the National Labor Relations Act. After a full investigation by the FBI, the Department of Justice decided not to prosecute the...
Paxton DeLaurent then tied the attempts record with 85 in the first round of the 2024 FCS playoffs against Illinois State. In a loss, DeLaurent completed 48 of 85 attempts for 567 passing yards, four passing touchdowns, and five interceptions. ...
Sydney Opera House: Sydney, Australia An architectural wonder when it was designed by Jørn Utzon in the mid-1950s, the billowing "sails" of Sydney's waterfront hall have defined the city to the world ever since. Visitors can tour several performance spaces inside and out, join dawn exercis...
Charles Koch (Kansas) Name: Charles Koch Business: Koch Industries Estimated Net Worth: $51.9B How It Started:Koch Industries dabbles in everything from paper to pipelines. Koch is also known for his donation to American political candidates. ...