it stood on a hill and the slanted terrain gave many possibilities to explore ways of doing a unique residential building and at the same time accomplish the household and social functions. Being in a high place made the main rooms of the house to face the pleasant view. ...
The House on the Hill 更多英语诗歌-名人诗歌-经典赏析-请点击这里获得 by Edwin Arlington Robinson They are all gone away,The House is shut and still,There is nothing more to say.Through broken walls and gray The winds blow bleak and shrill:They are all gone away.Nor is there one to-...
•Forthemiswastedskill:太过久远,太过模糊,•Thereisnothingmoretosay.冷冷清清,默默无语。•Thereisruinanddecay眼前唯有废墟,•IntheHouseontheHill:山上的这间老屋:•Theyareallgoneaway,他们都已离去,•Thereisnothingmoretosay.冷冷清清,默默无语 ••••••• Noristhereoneto-...
《House on the Hill》是Steppe Hare Studio推出的第一人称视角冒险解谜游戏。玩家将化身为为了养家糊口而潜入无人居住房屋行窃的盗贼——潜入寂静住宅区山丘上的豪宅,又会遇到怎样奇怪的事情呢? “我是以偷盗为生的盗贼。这当然不值得炫耀,但我的确靠这个来养家糊口。我的目标都是有钱人的豪宅,夜晚亦是如此。不...
The House on the Hill by Edwin Arlington Robinson They are all gone away, The House is shut and still, There is nothing more to say. Through broken walls and gray The winds blowbleak1andshrill2: They are all gone away. Nor is there one to-day...
Edwin Arlington Robinson - The House on the Hill They are all gone away, The House is shut and still, There is nothing more to say. Through broken walls and gray The winds blow bleak and shrill: They are all gone away. Nor is there one to-day To speak them good or ill: There is...
所属专辑:The World of the Poem 声音简介 #TheWorldOfThePoem There is ruin and decay In the House on the Hill: They are all gone away, There is nothing to say. 这里只有一片废墟和破败, 这间在山上的老屋: 他们都已经离开, 没有更多的话要说。