the house on mango street主要内容the house on mango street 《the house on mango street》是一部关于一个墨西哥裔美国女孩和她家人生活在芒果街的成长故事。故事中,女孩通过观察和体验周围的世界,逐渐认识到自己的身份和价值观,并努力寻找属于自己的梦想和未来。她经历了许多挫折和困难,但她始终保持积极向上的...
Book navigation The House on Mango Street: Novel Summary The House on Mango Street: Novel Summary: A House of My Own The House on Mango Street: Novel Summary: A Rice Sandwich The House on Mango Street: Novel Summary: A Smart Cookie The House on Mango Street: Novel Summary: Alicia...
桑德拉·希斯内罗丝(Sandra Cisneros),1954年生,美国当代著名女诗人,墨西哥裔。30岁时凭借《芒果街上的小屋》成名,另著有短篇故事集《喊女溪及其他》和诗集《坏男孩》(Bad Boys)《放荡的女人》(Loose Woman)《我恶劣的、恶劣的行为》(My Wicked,Wicked Ways),长篇小说《拉拉的褐色披肩》(Caramelo)等。 part2 |...
桑德拉·希斯内罗丝(Sandra Cisneros),1954年生,美国当代著名女诗人,墨西哥裔。30岁时凭借《芒果街上的小屋》成名,另著有短篇故事集《喊女溪及其他》和诗集《坏男孩》(Bad Boys)《放荡的女人》(Loose Woman)《我恶劣的、恶劣的行为》(...
Summary Esperanza is regarded, by herself and by others in her family, as "an ugly daughter." Consequently, she sees herself as powerful, like women in movies who are beautiful and cruel. Although Esperanza is apparently not beautiful by superficial sta
作者希望为读者呈现一种独特的阅读体验,具体描绘那些常常被人忽视的穷苦生活。所以故事采用了一个居住在芒果街上的小女孩的视角来展开叙述。 小女孩曾憧憬着能住进一个平整、宽敞且“体面”的房子,然而,当她搬到芒果街后,却发现新家不仅狭小破旧,还拥挤不堪。尽管故事中没有跌宕起伏的情节,但它宛如一篇篇散发着淡...
作者简介:Sandra Cisneros is the author of two novels and a book of short stories, all of which are published by Bloomsbury. 相关商品 The House on Mango Street 芒果街上的小屋 原著小说英文原版 立即抢购 英文原版 芒果街上的小屋 The House on Mango Street 25周年纪念版 立即抢购 英文原版 芒果...
determined to avoid. Novel Author(s) Sandra Cisneros Book traversal links forThe House on Mango Street Chapters Laughter Up Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin Facebook share Twitter WhatsApp
Down at the base of the tree, the dog with two names barks into the empty air, and there at the end of the block, looking smaller still, our house with its feet tucked under like a cat. (Chapter Nine “Meme Ortiz”) 猫和狗。头一回见到把一座房子比作猫的。
is the smell when she makes room for you on her side of the bed still warm with her skin, and you sleep near her, the rain outside falling and Papa snoring. The snoring, the rain, and Mama's hair that smells like bread.” (Chapter Two “Hairs”)《头发》一章中第二段开头长句读来...